Semester Packages

Overview of courses taught in English sorted by subject area as PDF:

These packages are only an overview. There are more than 800 Courses taught in English. You are free to choose from all courses available if you meet the prerequisits stated in the course description in BOKUonline. Please check with your home university to see if your chosen courses can be recognized for your study programme.

Find your courses and course description:$ctx/wbSuche.durchfuehren?$ctx=design=ca2;header=max;lang=en&pSuchTyp=3

More information on how to look for courses on our Webpage:

Overview on: How to find courses sorted by departments and institutes

Further courses offered:

A full semester load corresponds to 30 ECTS. A minimum of 16 ECTS is recommended. Please follow the requirements of your home university. Students can chose from the whole course catalogue and are not limited to one subject area. In the course description you can see which requirements you need. Bachelor students can also take Master's courses.

Master courses are also available for Bachelor students in higher semesters. Students can chose from the whole course catalogue and are not limited to one subject area. In the course description in BOKUonline you can see which requirements you need. Bachelor students can also take Master's courses if they fulfill the prerequisits stated in the course description in BOKUonline.

The course number does not refer to the level of the course but to the respective department or institute. The level (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate) of the course is indicated in the course description. Courses with the prefix "ULG" are not available for students.