What is Joint Study?

Joint Study agreements are bilateral agreements between two universities and respectively their faculties (colleges). In the agreements, the exchange of students for one semester is arranged. Tuition fees are released for the most part.

An overview for those interested in studying with Joint Study at BOKU can be found here:

Information for partner Universities (incl. Deadlines, semester dates, grading, etc.): BOKU Exchange Fact Sheet

Information for partner Universities: our university

Information for partner Universities (generel information): Joint Study Incomings

What do students say about their exchange semester at BOKU?

"I became much more independent and confident in travelling. I was able to make connections with other students and that gave me the motivation to pursue my masters abroad. At the end, I was even offered a job in Vienna for after I graduate. I now have friendsin many different countries, so travel doesn't feel as isolating."

Incoming student from University of Georgia (UGA), USA, 2023

BOKU Joint Study Partner Universities

BOKU Joint Study Partner Universities