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Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Duration : 2023-09-01 - 2024-12-31

Within the framework of a literature study and a compact, experimental analysis, we summarize the data on particulate abrasions of ceramic dental implants and relate the result to the known data of conventional titanium implants. Expert interviews will be conducted within the framework of the project and thus a comprehensive picture of the evaluation and selection criteria of implant materials will be published as part of an overview study.
Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Duration : 2022-08-01 - 2024-04-30

Nanomaterials and other innovative materials (advanced materials) offer interesting application possibilities and functions. They are therefore increasingly being used in new products and in many industrial sectors. However, the possible undesirable consequences must also be carefully studied and evaluated. The accompanying project to NanoTrust-Advanced investigates safety and risk-relevant aspects of nanomaterials and advanced materials, which are regularly published in the established NanoTrust dossiers and fed into the national Nanoinformation Commission of the Ministry of Health, the working group on nano-worker protection of the AUVA or the standardization group "Nanotechnology" of the Austrian Standards Institute. The inter- and transdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and experience that takes place here at many levels and in numerous committees thus contributes to the safe and sustainable development of these new materials.
Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Duration : 2020-09-01 - 2022-06-30

Since the COVID-19 outbreak caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) there is an imminent need to control its spread particularly by developing an efficient vaccination. Different to most vaccines-developments under study we propose the production of S-layercoronavirus spike protein-fusion proteins for the use as immunogenic composition for intranasal and oral vaccination. The scientific basis for such protein materials has been developed decades agi in our department and had been explored intensively - however not with the COVID - related protein functionalization. Our goal in this strategic partnership with AVALON GloboCare is to develop an immunization strategy which not necessarily leads to a complete protection against COVID-19 infection, where the immunological know-how and competence is in the competence field of AVALON and at BOKU, the manufacturing of the respective immunogen will be performed. In this collaboration, we want to induce sufficient immunization (immune stimulation) preventing the development of a severe disease pattern which frequently is accompanied by organ damaging processes. The final treatment vaccine will be explored to the laboratory level at BOKU , the industrial and commercial part is in the hand of AVALON GloboCare.

Supervised Theses and Dissertations