Freyer, Bernhard
Bernhard Freyer, Univ.Prof.Dipl.-Agr.Biol. Dr.Ing.
Bernhard Freyer, Univ.Prof.Dipl.-Agr.Biol. Dr.Ing.
E-Mail: bernhard.freyer(at)
Curriculum Vitae
From 1998 - 2023 Univ. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Freyer heads the Division of Organic Farming as well as the working group of Transdsciplinary Systems Research at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna and has been a Senior Fellow at the University of Minnesota in the US since 2011. His research focuses on social systems theory and societal change within the context of organic agriculture and low input systems. His most recent research is on the sustainability of monasteries, farmer-consumer partnerships, ethics in the organic agrofood system, consumer behavior, climate change and smallholder farmer systems. He has organized and has headed several national and international research projects, is guiding PhD and master thesis since more than 25 years and offers lectures in a broad field of topics within organic agriculture, methods and theories in social sciences. Further more he is reviewer in several journals in the field of social sciences, ethics and ecology.