Gabriela Albarracin Lluncor, MSc.
Working Group Knowledge Systems and Innovation
Doctorate student
Institute of Organic Farming
Department of Sustainable Agricultural Systems
University of Natural Ressources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Gregor-Mendel-Strasse 33, 1180 Vienna
Resumé and Research Interest
Gabriela Albarracin's main research interests are organic farming, agroecology, sustainable agriculture,
knowledge management, agrobiodiversity and rural development.
She completed her Master Studies in Agricultural Economics at the Humboldt University of Berlin,
Germany. Under the scheme of Erasmus Training Mobility, she gained practical work experience for one
year at the United Nations in Vienna.
She has been trained on Management of Development Projects, at the Centre for Rural Development
(SLE)-Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany.
From October 2017 - October 2020 she studies the role of agrobiodiversity for the Management Policy of the Biosphere
Reserve "Oxapampa-Ashäninka-Yanesha" (Peru) based upon the inhabitants' local knowledge and
available global scientific knowledge. The project was funded by the Man and the Biosphere Programme
(UNESCO) and the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Currently she is doctorate student at BOKU.
Gabriela Albarracín-Llúncor is editor of this publication:
Albarracín-Llúncor, Gabriela & Christian R. Vogl (2021): Diez años de la reserva de biosfera Oxapampa – Asháninka – Yánesha BIOAY: Testimonios, reflexiones y logros.Universität für Bodenkultur Wien / University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. ISBN-Online: 978-3-7001-8507-9, DOI: 10.1553/BIOAYMAB