BOKU Inside

New Research information system 

The new BOKU Research information system went online on March 4, 2024. The new FIS is characterised by a sustainable responsive design as well as complete accessibility both in the external appearance and in data collection.

BOKU Inside

Re-election to FWF Board

The FWF has elected Univ.Prof. Dr. Erik Reimhult, Head of the Department of Bionanowisssenschaften, as Reporter for Inorganic Chemistry for the next three years.


GIL Award for Agricultural Informatics

Florian Kitzler, from the Institute of Agricultural Engineering, has been awarded the GIL Prize for Agricultural Informatics for his dissertation "RGB-D Semantic Segmentation for Intelligent Weed Control". 


FIA award for Young Scientist 2022

David J. Cocovi-Solberg was awarded by the Japanese Association for Flow Injection Analysis (JAFIA) with the FIA Award for Young Researched 2022.

Project News

Austria's role in HPC

Austria is a leader in High Performance Computing (HPC). Markus Stöhr from BOKU-IT and head of EuroCC Austria explains in an interview how supercomputers and AI can be used for business.

Course Offer

Gender Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

The Free online course is about Gender Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Forestry-related Sectors (ForGEDI). Everyone interested can join the course.

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