Waiver ot tuition fees
Waiver of tuition fees
With the amendment of the Universities Act (Universitätsgesetz 2002) dated September 24, 2008, the regulations concerning tuition fees, including valid grounds for a waiver of tuition fees, have changed. The following valid grounds for a waiver of tuition fees (excluded point g.) apply to degree-program students from EU or EEA countries or Switzerland, refugees under the provisions of the Geneva Convention and third-country nationals with a long-term residence permit:
1. The student was hindered in his/her studies by serious illness for at least two months during the respective semester Documentation: written confirmation from a medical specialist. Duration of waiver: a maximum of two consecutive semesters (repeat applications possible)
2. The student was hindered in her studies for at least two months during the respective semester due to pregnancy Documentation: written confirmation from a medical specialist. Duration of waiver: a maximum of two consecutive semesters
3. The student is the main person responsible for the care and upbringing of a child below the age of 7 years, or until the child enters first grade, living in the same householdDocumentation: Birth certificate and residence registration form (Meldezettel) of the child, residence registration form of the student and a sworn declaration that the student is the main person responsible for the care of the child. Duration of waiver: a maximum of two consecutive semesters (repeat applications possible)
4. Care for relatives
Proof: proof of kinship (certificate of birth/marriage) and notification of care level or confirmation by a medical specialist regarding the need for care as well as "Meldezettel" of the person you take care of and yourself.
5. The student has a disability of at least 50% as defined by federal regulationsDocumentation: disability pass issued by the Austrian social services officeDuration of waiver: for the duration of the student's studies or the duration of the disability
6. The student is the recipient of a study grant pursuant to the Student Support Act (Studienförderungsgesetz, StudFG) 1992 in the current semester or the semester immediately preceding the current semester. Documentation: Official notification letter from the Austrian Study Grant Authority (Studienbeihilfenbehörde). Duration of waiver: a maximum of two consecutive semesters (repeat applications possible)
§ 4a. Tuition Fees Ordinance (Studienbeitragsverordnung)
Students with Ukrainian citizenship are entitled to a waiver or a reimbursement for their tuition fees covering from the summer semester 2022 up to including winter semester 2025/26. Ukrainian citizenship is established through provision of documentation attesting to citizenship of said state or a passport.
From the winter semester 2024/25 on, a waiver of tuition fees for students with Ukrainian citizenship will be automatically entered in BOKUonline.
You therefore do not have to submit a separate application for a waiver of tuition fees.
Application for a waiver of tuition fees
All documents must be submitted as original documents at the Study Services. Documents issued in foreign languages must comply with the appropriate Legalizations Translations. The application period for the winter semester ends on October 31 and for the summer semester on March 31.
Please submit applications for a waiver of tuition fees to the Study Services. If it is not possible to submit your application for a tuition fee waiver before October 31 or March 31, respectively, or in the event that valid grounds for a tuition waiver (e.g. illness, conscription to military or social service, or responsibility for the care of a child) occur at a later date during the respective semester, tuition fees must be paid. However, an application for Reimbursement of tuition fees must be submitted, accompanied by the documents named above, for the winter semester by March 31, and for the summer semester by September 30.
The following grounds for a tuition fee waiver continues to apply to all degree-programme students:
- The student is a participant in a transnational EU, national or university mobility programme
- Degree students for the semester in which they will complete studies abroad due to mandatory regulations in the curriculum
- Degree students on the basis of a university partnership agreement which also allows for the mutual waiver of the tuition fee