LTS LunchTimeSeries

Summer term 2019

  • Dr. Jack Stilgoe
    How experiments become futures: Social learning for self-driving cars

    Report by Thomas Buocz
  • Prof. Sebastian Pfotenhauer
    Testing future Societies? Developing a framework for test beds and living labs as instruments of innovation governance

    Report by Melisa Krawielicki
  • Prof. Claudia Müller-Birn
    Bringing the Human back to the Centre of Algorithmic Systems Design.
    Challenges and Opportunities.

    Report by Johannes Huber

Winter term 2018/19

  • Prof. Susanne Beck
    Strafbarkeit beim Einsatz autonomer Systeme – Neue Impulse für das Konzept der Fahrlässigkeit?

    Report by Ferdinand Hönigsberger (in German)

Summer term 2018

Winter term 2017/18

Summer term 2017

 Winter term 2016/17

 Summer term 2016
