BIObec - Preparing the creation of Bio-Based Education Centres to meet industry needs and boost the contribution of the bioeconomy to societal challenges

BIObec aims to build bridges between the bio-based industry and the education system by interlinking universities, innovation labs, and R&D centres with industrial actors and regions. In order to achieve this, the project proposes a holistic framework that merges the traditional idea of an education centre, with that of a knowledge hub. BIObec will establish multi-level Bio-Based Education Centres (BBECs) in six different European regions to act as knowledge hubs bridging the gaps between academic institutions, students, innovation entities and policy makers. Likewise, the BBECs will be flexible enough to answer the actual and future needs of the industry and surrounding ecosystem at local, regional and national levels.

  1. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the needs, criteria and conditions for Bio-Based Education Centres (BBECs) to create dynamic ecosystems.
  2. To define the most effective design and business models for developing and establishing a BBEC and its educational activitites.
  3. To provide governance plans, learning programs and feasibility assessments for the proposed BBECs.
  4. To provide a roll-out strategy and a roadmap for coordinating the replication of BBECs at European and international level, fostering the outcomes` exploitation and further collaboration.
  5. To ensure motivated co-creation, stakeholder involvement, dissemination and communication.

BIObec consists of a consortium of 19 project partners from 12 different countries and institutions [11 educational institutions, one national and one private research centre, 3 bio-based industry clusters, 2 SMEs, non-profit foundation for education and social dialogue (Pro Civis)]..

Project coordinator: University of Bologna

Duration: 30 months (01.09.2021 - 29.02.2024)

Funding programme: Horizon 2020


Work plan and deliverables

WP 1 - Regional Bioeconomy ecosystem Needs and expectations

Deliverable 1.1. - Report on European and regional analysis of the needs, opportunities and expectations to bio-based education/training model

Deliverable 1.2 - Best practice cases for Bio-based education Centres

Deliverable 1.3 - Report on expectations on future BBEC: Understanding the regional conditions as basis for the design of the BBECs


WP 2 - Design through co-creation and operational specification of BBECs

Deliverable 2.1 - Report on conceptual and operational framework for design of BBECs

Deliverable 2.2 - Report on Regional BBEC Business Models and Governance Structures


WP 3 - Feasibility and sustainability assessement of BBECs

Deliverable 3.1 - Planning of governance, financial and sustainability assessment

Deliverable 3.2 - Report on plans for a governance structure of the six BBECs

Deliverable 3.3 - Report on detailed budget for running and maintaining the six BBEC and financial plan

Deliverable 3.4 - Plans for vocational, academic and life-long-learning programmes for the existing workforce by the six BBEC

Deliverable 3.5 - Overall exploitation and sustainability plan


WP 4 - European EU bio-based education Centres coordination plan for roll-out and replication

Deliverable 4.1 - Report on regional workshops

Deliverable 4.2 - Roadmap Report for BBECs Replication

Deliverable 4.3 - Report on results of the Capacity building workshop

Deliverable 4.4 - E-Learning materials for the BBECs replication

Deliverable 4.5 - BBECs certification scheme

Deliverable 4.6 - BIObec exploitation plan