BOKU-Home students

Firstly BOKU students need to choose when and where they want to spend their semester abroad and contact the adminsitrative study programme coordinator at BOKU-International Relations for detailed information on course offers at partner universities: Contact

BOKU students have the possibility to apply for an Erasmus+ or CEEPUS scholarship in order to get financial support for this stay abroad, therefore please inform yourself on the following website about application requirements and deadlines.

Detailed information about the requirements and procedure of admission at the selected partner universities are to be found on their respective website - please get directly in contact with the adminsitrative representative of the selected partner university.

BOKU-Host students

Erasmus+ or CEEPUS scholarship

Students who come to BOKU with an Erasmus scholarship have to additionally meet the administrative issues regarding Erasmus. Detailed information to this topic you find under "Erasmus Incoming Students".

Students who come to BOKU with a CEEPUS scholarship have to inform themselves at the following website CEEPUS Incomings.

Optional for double degree seeking students: Apply for full degree admission at BOKU

Only applicable for IMaHS students from HUB and MATE

At BOKU, students need to be admitted as full degree students to be able to earn the double degree. Please submit the following documents to the administrative IMaHS coordinator at BOKU:

  • application form
  • your admission letter/enrollment confirmation for the IMaHS programme at your home university
  • evidence of previous studies (bachelor degree, diploma).
  • transcript of records from your bachelor studies
  • CV
  • Evidence of adequate proficiency of English: accepted certificates

Deadline: 15 May for winter semester/full academic year + 15 November for summer semester.

Scanned copies sent by e-mail are sufficient, legal certification of documents is not required.


During the semester(s) you are studying at BOKU with an Erasmus+ or CEEPUS scholarship, you are exempted from the tuition fees. However, you have to pay the student union fee.

Important: The student union fee has be paid during the semester you are studying at BOKU as well as every semester after that until graduation. This is necessary in order to stay enrolled at BOKU and a requirement for the double degree.