Note on the information on all legal aspects of studies (admission, examinations, completion,...): Only the information available on the websites of the study services is legally binding.

Some seedlings

Horticultural Sciences

The master programme Horticultural Sciences is jointly offered by Life Science Universities within Europe, whereas each University focuses on a different specialisation within the area of Horticultural Sciences.

Partner Universities:

  • BOKU University – AUSTRIA
  • Humboldt University of Berlin - GERMANY
  • Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences – HUNGARY
  • University of Bologna – ITALY
  • Free University of Bozen-Bolzano - ITALY

BOKU-Home Students

Students who intend to start this master programme at BOKU have to apply for the admission to the Master Programme directly at the BOKU Study services. More information under “How to apply”.

BOKU-Host Students
Students who come to BOKU for their compulsory stay abroad within this master programme have to apply at their home university for CEEPUS or Erasmus+ funding. More information for incoming students.

Incoming students from Humboldt University of Berlin (HUB) or Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) can earn a double degree. More information under “Transfer to the Host University”.

Which courses and specialisations are offered?

How to apply
Which documents do I need? When are the deadlines?

Plan your Studies at BOKU
Information for the Welcome Days for students from abroad
Prior to your arrival
: Academic Calendar, Programmes and programme structure at BOKU, How to look for Courses,Course Types, European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System "ECTS", Master's thesis and Project Work, Language Courses, Tandem, Buddies, Facilities for students with special needs, Studying with children.
Upon arrival
: BOKU-Campuses, Registration at BOKU, Departments - Institutes, Library, Language Courses, Tandem –language learning, Austrian Students´ Union, Eating at BOKU, Social life at BOKU.

Plan your Life in Vienna
Prior to your arrival: Entry & Residence Permits (Visa), Accommodation, Insurance,  Cost of living, Vaccinations, Arrival in Vienna - when and where.
Upon arrival: Vienna - Quality of living and Safety, Arriving in Vienna - When and Where, Getting around in Vienna, Money & Bank Account, Phone, Sports, Cultural Activities in Vienna, Illness or personal problems, Foreign representations in Vienna.

Transfer to the Host University
Which steps do I have to take when?

Master's thesis
How do I find a topic and supervisor? Where do I register?

Which documents do I have to submit? When are the deadlines?