SONEC -SOciocratic NEighborhood Circles
SONEC -SOciocratic NEighborhood Circles
SONEC (SOciocratic NEighborhood Circles) is a 26 month-long Erasmus+ project – funded by the EU’s “KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices / KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education” program – that addresses serious social and environmental issues by applying neighborhood-based, bottom-up, participatory and inclusive decisionmaking processes.

Despite significant efforts by European policymakers, the EU is still far away from achieving the targets set by the European 2020 strategy, the EU Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In order to reach the target, an acceleration to legislative changes and a wider participation of citizens to the transformative process seem to be essential.
SONEC is an innovative idea inspired by the Neighbourhood Parliaments’ socio-political model, successfully implemented in India since the 1990s. Here, more than 400.000 neighbourhood-based citizen groups have been established to help their national and local governments reach the SDG goals,by addressing issues such as climate change, human rights, health, poverty and gender equality, among others.
By adapting the Indian Neighbourhood Parliaments model to the diverse European realities and by including the EU values of participation, resilience, safe and peaceful coexistence, inclusion, equality, etc., SONEC wishes to provide an effective answer to both the democracy-crisis and the climate-crisis that our society is currently facing.
SONEC aims at generating results that are applicable on an European level to all municipalities and their citizens.
Soziokratie Zentrum Österreich
Rückfragen und Kontakt: DI Dr. Rita Mayrhofer
Institut für Landschaftsplanung