L-x Lectures Part 1: 7.12.2023
Zdeněk Sendler, Radko Květ, Júlia Bobríková
For more than a century, parks have responded to climate and social challenges. The lecture series explores the role of parks in the urban environment. The first lecture presents a park designed by the modernist and 'life reformer' Leberecht Migge in 1913 and restored in 2006. The landscape architect and the architect who restored the park explain their findings on the original design, the role Migge envisaged for the park and how they have interpreted the restoration work.
Further lectures in the series will present parks from the years 1978 and 2020 in order to compare social, ecological and design impacts.
English translation: Júlia Bobríková, Landscape architect at studio Sendler, Brno
Moderation: Ulrike Krippner, Institute of Landscape Architecture, BOKU Vienna
Lecture and Discussion in English
Depot – Kunst und Diskussion
Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Vienna
Thursday, 7.12.2023, 19:00
Upcoming Events
18.1.2024: Irchelpark Zurich (1978) – Christian Stern
25.1.2024: Park am Gleisdreieck Berlin, participation and process (2020) – Laura Jeschke
An event organized by the Institute of Landscape Architecture (ILA BOKU) and the Austrian Society for Landscape Architecture (ÖGLA)
The L-x lecture series is made possible by funding from the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport (BMKÖS)