Farewell Reception for Professor Lilli Lička from BOKU and Book Presentation LAE #7

Friday, 21 March / 16.00

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zum Abschied von Lilli Lička als Professorin an der BOKU und zur Buchpräsentation von Landscape Architecture Europe #7.

We cordially invite you to the farewell reception for Lilli Lička, Professor at BOKU University and the book presentation of Landscape Architecture Europe #7.

Make sure you register here.


Friday, 21 March / 16.00
BOKU University, Ilse-Wallentin-Haus, Ground Floor
Peter Jordan Straße 82, 1190 Vienna, Austria

Event Location Map


How does landscape architecture respond to current social, economic and ecological challenges? What aesthetic expression can convey concern, commitment, cooperation and ultimately hope?

Landscape Architecture Europe #7 presents 42 projects, built or drawn, long-term or temporary, selected from submissions from all over Europe. Together with thought-provoking essays and inspiring portraits, this richly illustrated publication shows how to design for diversity and how to work with surprise and uncertainty. 


/ Welcome by Prof. Dr. Eva Schulev-Steindl
Rector of BOKU University

/ Welcome by Prof. Ir. Eric Luiten
Professor Landscape Architecture at TU Delft, Chair of the LAE Foundation

/ Prof. Dr. Lisa Diedrich
Aesthetics in the Anthropocene

/ Daphne de Bruijn
Managing Editor and Graphic Designer
The making of the book

/ Dr. Thierry Kandjee, Simon Auperpin
Leading landscape architects at Taktyk
Design and activism

/ Prof. Lilli Lička
Professor at BOKU
In conversation with Eric Luiten

/ Handover of the first books to
Dr. Atilla Tóth
Representative of IFLA Europe
Dr. Thierry Kandjee, Prof. Lilli Lička

Aperitif and Music

We are looking forward to seeing you there!
