Downloads of presentations and proceedings
Downloads of presentations and proceedings

Liz Ampt: A Personal Responsibility Perspective to Behaviour Change Yasuo Asakura, Takamasa Iryo, Yoshiki Nakajima, Kaoruko Sugita, Sei-ichi Kitano: TDM Experiment of Railway and a Shopping Centre using Smart Card System Michael G H Bell: Shared surfaces: Travel demand unmanaged Martin Berger, Martin Fellendorf: Alpine Leisure Trips and Traveller Information Systems Michael Carreno: MAXimizing SUCCESS: Applying psychological principles to enhance mobility management interventions Sandrine De-Boras, Damien Pons: Commitment to social fares : the « Familles Nombreuses » card case study - A stated preferences approach Jutta Deffner, Konrad Goetz: Integration of Communication into Planning to Create a Sustainable Mobility Culture Leonid Engelson, Ida Kristoffersson: Revealing Preferred Departure Times for Large-Scale Transport Modelling Bruno FAIVRE D’ARCIER: Which factors could encourage people to reduce their car use within cities? First results from a survey Joel P. Franklin, Anders Karlström: Behavioral Adjustments & Equity Effects of Congestion Pricing: Analysis of Morning Commutes During the Stockholm Trial Max Herry, Norbert Sedlacek: Impact of Tolling in Different Areas Max Herry, Markus Schuster, Michael Praschl, Christoph Westhauser: Mobility Management in the Vienna Woods Area José Holguín-Veras, Michael Silas: Toward Comprehensive Policies of Urban Freight Demand Management: Evidence, Necessary Conditions, and Micro-Simulation Results Stephen Ison, Graham Hughes and Bob Tuckwell: Cambridge congestion charging: Lessons from previous experience Martin Lee-Gosselin: Future trends and research needs: a reflection on the TDM 2008 Vienna Symposium Shoji Matsumoto, George Brown: A Comparative Study on Acceptance and Implementation of Parking Policy and Local Earmarked Parking Taxes Andres Monzon, María E. López-Lambas, Elena Lopez: Impact Assessment of a new parking pricing scheme in Madrid City Centre John D Nelson: Modelling Usage Rate of DRT Service: Discrete Choice Model with Latent Variables Alan Nicholson: Travel Demand Management in NZ: A Cautionary Tale Charles Raux: Tradable driving rights in urban areas: a relevant and realistic alternative to road pricing? Tom Reinhold: More passengers and reduced costs – The optimization of the Berlin Public Transport Network Charles Rivasplata: San Francisco’s Transit First: What Role has TDM Played? Nadine Roth, Manfred Boltze: Applying Mobility Pricing Instruments to Optimize Traffic and Transport Wafaa Saleh, Craig Walker and Chih Wei Pai: An Investigation of impacts VMS on safety on Scottish Trunk Roads Gerd Sammer: Economic Cost-Effectiveness of TDM-Measures regarding their Environmental Impact Peter Stopher, Eoin Clifford: Evaluating a Travel Behaviour Change By Means of a 3-Year Panel Yusak O. Susilo, Dominic Stead: Targeting TDM Policies Based on Individual Transport Emissions Michael AP Taylor: Voluntary Travel Behaviour Change programs in Australia – impacts, evaluations and predictions Robert Thaler, Willy Raimund, Iris Ehrnleitner: klima:aktiv mobil Hans Tormans, Davy Janssens, Tom Brijs, Geert Wets: The Development of a Total Quality Indicator for the Assessment of Travel Demand Management Measures: Focus on Road Safety Policy Hans Tormans, Bruno Kochan, Tom Bellemans, Davy Janssens, Geert Wets: Assessing the Impact of Fuel Cost on Traffic Demand in Flanders using Activity-Based Models P. Vedagiri, V. Thamizh Arasan: Provision of Exclusive Lanes for Buses on Roads Carrying Heterogeneous Traffic Christo Venter, Roger Behrens, Romano del Mistro: The Pace of Commuter Behaviour Change and Implications for TDM Implementation: Findings of a Retrospective Travel Survey in Cape Town E. Owen Waygood* and Ryuichi Kitamura: Children’s Independent Travel and the Built Environment *Correspondence Author M. Francisca Yáñez, Juan de Dios Ortúzar: A Panel Data Model to Forecast the Effects of a Radical Public Transport Innovation Christopher Zegras, Francisco Pereira, Andrew Amey, Marco Veloso, Liang Liu, Carlos Bento, Assaf Biderman: Data Fusion for Travel Demand Management: State of the Practice & Prospects