814300 Master seminar (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Rieder, Harald
Meteorologie und Klimatologie
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


In this master seminar students will obtain an overview about diverse research lines within the multiple dimensions of climate change and societal transformation. Students will present the progress of their own research, motivate their choice of method(s) and provide the theoretical foundation behind these methods, illustrate their application and visualize and interpret the results obtained during the course of the thesis research. Students will be prepared to discuss and defend their research with a professional audience and learn how to critically comment on the thesis research of their peers and critically discuss their findings.


After completion of seminar students will be able to argue the choice of research questions, concepts and methods and the interpretation of their findings and put them in the larger context of climate change and societal transformation. Students will have advanced their presentation and illustration skills as well as their abilities to critically reflect and comment on methods and findings of transdisciplinary research focused on changes in climate and societal transformation.
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