Call for Papers

ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2011: Can agriculture feed the world? Call for papers, deadline June 30th.

All BOKU students are invited to present their papers (bachelor thesis, master thesis or other research project - oral or poster)! Wageningen University, Netherlands, October 20,21.
ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2011 Oct. 20-21, Wageningen University, Netherlands Can agriculture feed the world? Of the current global population of 6 billion, 1 billion people suffer from hunger in a world of plenty. The majority live in rural areas in developing countries, which indicates a distribution and access problem. Furthermore, by 2050 it is expected that the global population will increase to more than 9 billion people. Increasing future food production must therefore be a high priority. Sustainable food production depends on the carrying capacity and resilience of global and local ecosystems, which are limited. Therefore, an increase in food production requires a reduction of the ecological footprint of the consumer, especially in high income countries, to prevent irreversible harm to vital ecosystems. A growing population means greater demands on land, not just for food production but also for housing, infrastructure, industry, leisure, energy production etc. The competing claims on land (and water) require efficient and effective food production based on best agricultural practices. Themes:

  • Innovation and Technology
    • Potential Food Production
    • Food and Health
    • Food Safety
    • Precision Agriculture
    • Meat Diet Discourse
  • Economy and Society
    • Consumer behaviour
    • Governance of Inerntional Trade
    • Rural development
    • Competing claims
    • Agribusiness
  • Ecology and Ethics
    • Demographic developments
    • GMO
    • Ecological Footprint
    • Animal Welfare
    • Natural Resources Management

All students of ELLS institutions are invited to present their papers (e.g. bachelor or master thesis,  first results of PhD-Research or other research project)! To apply for an oral presentation or poster presentation at the conference you should prepare an abstract before June 30. The abstract should be sent together with an academic CV and an application form to the local contact person. Contact person at BOKU: Ulrike Piringer: Ulrike.piringer(at) Attention: Travel grants are available, the best presentations and posters will receive a financial reward! Application form and further information:
