Cellulosechemie Posterpreis

Der Beitrag von DI Bojan Stefanovic "Studies into sonochemical degradation of celluloses" vom CD-Labor "Advanced cellulose chemistry and analytics" gewinnt den Posterpreis der internationalen EWLP-Tagung.

Informationen auf Englisch: The poster presentation "Studies into sonochemical degradation of celluloses" by DI Bojan Stefanovic was acknowledged with the poster award of the 12th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP 2012) in Helsinki, Finland. The 10 members of the international scientific committee selected the poster out of 104 contributions. The EWLP conference series with its biannual meetings is one of the most renowned and prominent conferences in the field of chemistry of renewable resources, lignocellulosics, pulp and paper. DI Stefanovic is member of the Christian-Doppler Laboratory "Advanced cellulose analytics and chemistry" at the Department of Chemistry. The topic of his PhD thesis, supervised by Antje Potthast and Thomas Rosenau, are non-convential methods for cellulose degradation, such as sonochemistry or tribochemistry.
