Plant Invasions

Gastprofessur Dr. Heinz Müller-Schärer (Univ. Fribourg, Schweiz): Plant Invasions, Trophic Interactions and Biological Control.

Anmeldungen und weiterführende Informationen: Informationen auf Englisch: BACKGROUND: Biological invasions pose an increasing threat to our environment and they are also a great topic to study basic processes in ecology and evolution. AIM: Students will know the drivers that enable introduced species to proliferate and become invasive. They will know the basic principles of biological control in theory and application and be familiar with the main plant invaders in Europe and Austria. THE COURSE will comprise lectures and discussions in the morning and student presentations of topical papers illustrating the lecture in the afternoon. PROGRAMM Tuesday 15 October
13-13.30h: Preliminary talk: Introduction, organisation  Tuesday 7 January
14-17h: Course 1: Plant invasions: scientific and environmental issues  Wednesday 8 January
9-12h: Course 2: The apparent paradox of invasions: invasiveness and invasibility
14-17h: students teach 1  Thursday 9 January
9-12h: Course 3: Ecological &evolutionary hypotheses of plant invasions
14-17h: students teach 2  Friday 10 January
9-12h: Course 4: Classical biological control: deliberate invasions
13-16h: students teach 3  Monday 13 January
9-12h: Course 5: Plant invasions in EU & Austria and biocontrol prospects
14-15.30h Research Seminar: Towards understanding plant invasions
16-17h: students teach 4 RESEARCH WEB SITE:
