Jay Arnone an der BOKU

Vortrag von Prof. John (Jay) A. III Arnone (Desert Research Institute, Reno) am 10. Dezember um 14:00 Uhr im TÜWI.

Prof. John (Jay) A. III Arnone (Desert Research Institute, Reno, USA) ist einer der weltweit führenden Wissenschaftler auf dem Gebiet der Global Change Forschung, er verbringt sein Sabbatical 2013/14 am Institut für Angewandte Statistik und unterrichtet am Institut für Bodenforschung. Am 10. Dezember um 14:00 Uhr hält er einen Vortrag im TÜWI zum Thema „Responses of North American deserts to global change and feedbacks on climate.“ Mehr Informationen auf Englisch: Prof. Dr. Jay Arnone is a Visiting Research Professor in the Institute for Applied Statistics and Computer Science at the BOKU where he is working with experts to learn about ways to better analyze time series data sets. He is here on sabbatical leave for one year from the Desert Research Institute in Reno, Nevada (USA) where he teaches and does research in the field of global change ecology. He mentors graduate students who work in his group and teaches an introductory course on Climate Change and its Environmental Impacts to students at the BOKU-Institute of Soil Research and to non-science students at the University of Nevada, Reno. He has been teaching and learning with the students and colleagues from around the world for 30 years and has lived in several place is the USA (Vermont, Connecticut, North Carolina, Alaska, and Nevada) and Europe (München, Basel, Innsbruck). He began studying desert ecosystems 15 years ago when he moved to Reno and by now is highly esteemed for his numerous publications in the most prestigious scientific journals in the field, such as Nature, Science, PNAS, Ecology, and Global Change Biology. Vortragsankündigung Lebenslauf http://www.dri.edu/jay-arnone
