Organic, sustainable, happy?
The Centre for Development Research and the Institute of Organic Farming invite to a public seminar: Organic, sustainable, happy? with lessons learned in Bhutan and Kenya. Sonam Tashi (Royal University of Bhutan, Dean at College for Natural Resources) discusses with Richard Onwonga (University of Nairobi, BOKU Alumni) and Dr. Hamid El Bilali (CDR). Dr. Sonam Tashi is dean and senior lecturer at the RUB College of Natural Resources. Prior he served as Deputy Chief of Horticulture of the then Ministry of Agriculture, Thimphu. He completed his B.Sc. Agriculture from the University of Philippines at Los Banos (UPLB) and Masters from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He finished his PhD in the University of Bonn, Germany on Organic Farming. Mr. Tashi specializes in Organic Farming. He also teaches Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Advanced Fruit Production and other modules related to agriculture and horticulture. Mr. Tashi is a recipient of National Order of Merit (Gold) for Academic Excellence (2012). Dr. Richard N. Onwonga is a senior lecturer in the Department of Land Resource Management and Agricultural Technology (LARMAT), University of Nairobi. He holds a doctorate from BOKU Vienna, M.Sc. in Soil Science, and B.Sc. in Agriculture Education & Extension from Egerton University. He This is in addition to carrying out research in areas of specialization. His current research interest is (i) on application of agro-ecological intensification approaches to enhance agricultural productivity under semi-arid environments (ii) modeling the impact of climate change on agricultural production and (iii). Evaluating soil organic carbon dynamics for informed mitigation and accounting in agricultural systems of Kenya. The event is supported by the Austrian Development Agency.