Public event

Monday, 11.12.2017 – 6:00 p.m.




Baracke 5, Borkowskigasse 4, lecture hall B, first floor

Everybody needs water, food and energy. But we just have one planet and limited resources. How can we best use them?

We invited three BOKU researchers from very different scientific fields to share their thoughts on challenges and opportunities with us.

Dominik Ruffeis, Institute for Hydraulics and Rural Water Management

Johannes Schmidt, Institute for Sustainable Economic Development

Maria Wurzinger, Division of Livestock Sciences and Centre for Development Research

Date: Monday, 11th December 2017

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Place: Baracke 5, lecture hall B (1st floor)

Borkowskigasse 4

1190 Wien

Bread and wine! Free admission, but please register! rosana.kral(at)
