Leiter des EFI Regionalbüros

Dr. Bernhard Wolfslehner wurde zum Leiter des EFI Regionalbüros für Mittel- u. Osteuropa (EFICEEC) bestellt.

EFICEEC Head of Office appointed Dr. Bernhard Wolfslehner, PhD (Forestry) has been appointed Head of Office of the Central-East European Regional Office - EFICEEC of the European Forest Institute (EFI). Dr. Wolfslehner will start his term on 1 st of May 2010. EFICEEC launched its activities a week ago at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna where EFICEEC will have its premises. Dr. Wolfslehner has worked previously as a Researcher at the Institute of Silviculture, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, where he has been involved in a number of international projects as a leader or co-leader. He has also worked as an advisor for the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests (MCPFE) as well as in the Austrian Forest Dialogue. He has been also involved in the establishment of the EFICEEC since 2009. Dr. Wolfslehner’s expertise covers the fields of sustainable forest management, criteria and indicators (C&I), non-timber forest products and services, biological diversity, and multi-criteria decision support. The European Forest Institute is an international organisation conducting forest research and forest research networking at the pan-European level. The Institute is growing intensively and is currently establishing new Regional Offices in various locations in Europe. EFICEEC is the fifth regional office to be launched in Europe. EFI also has four research programmes running at the Headquarters in Joensuu, Finland. Further information: Dr. Risto Päivinen, Director EFI Webpage: http://www.efi.int/portal/ Photo by Martin Faiss.
