Monoshyn D, Mittmannsgruber M, Gruber E, Wiedenegger E, Muraoka Y, Pascher K, Schindler S, Murugan R, Zaller JG (2024) Soil biodiversity monitoring in the open landscape across Austria with a focus on earthworms and soil microorganisms: opportunities and challenges. Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences IUSS, May 19-21, 2024, Florence, Italy (Abstract) (Poster)
Zaller JG (2024) Auf Entdeckungsreise mit Regenwürmern. Vortragsreihe des Naturschutzbunds Wien, 12.06.2024, Wien
Zaller JG, Mittmannsgruber M, Gruber E, Wiedenegger E, Monoshyn D, Muraoka Y, Pascher K, Schindler S, Murugan R (2024) Implementation of a pioneer program for soil monitoring and assessment of factors influencing soil biodiversity in Austria. European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2024, April 14-19, 2024, Vienna, Austria, (Abstract)