We are happy to announce the upcoming event of the Data Science @ BOKU initiative:

Data Mining

on September 30th 2024 at 14:00 (Türkenschanze, Exnerhaus HS03)

This time we want to focus on data mining. This includes unsupervised learning, pattern extraction from (big) data, hypothesis generation using exploratory data analysis, finding groups in data, anomaly detection, ... . We look forward to hearing about your applications and approaches to get to know your data.

We wish you a successful end of the semester and great summer break!

We are looking forward to meeting many of you in autumn!

If you are interested to contribute a short presentation of your work in this field please write us an email with a title and a short abstract by August 14th to:

If you would like to participate in the event, please register by September 15th with your name and your BOKU standard e-mail address via the following registration application (Termino):

For more information (mailing list, forums, contact), please visit: https://short.boku.ac.at/datascience