Maya Aboud-Zeid et al.: Mass effects and mobility descisions Elenna Dugundji: Sociodynamic discrete choice: Equilibrium behavior of the nested logit model with social interactions Juan Antonio Carrasco: Space, time and social support dynamics in personal networks Yoram Shiftan et al.: The relationships between social networks, activity patterns and driving behavior Petr Matous et al.: Need for speed: the connecting and disconnecting powers of motorized transport in rural Indonesia Eric Miller: Modelling Information & Learning in Agent-Based Models of Activity/Travel: Issues & Options Thibaut Dubernet; Kay W. Axhausen: First Results of a Household Joint Activity-Travel Multi-agent Simulation Tool Fariya Sharmeen et al.: Population-wide social network dynamics with life-cycle events:
modeling approach and first analyses Scott Feld: Nearly Everyone Knows Somione Who Knows a Star Hitomi Nakanishi; Cameron Gordon; Richard Nash: Public transport as catalyst for
social interactions: how it works in low-density environment? Wiebke Unbehaun; Tina Uhlmann; Regine Gerike: No car - no job? Interaction between mobility and professional activities of people in rural areas Antonio Páez: Walking and the Potential for Social Contact Pauline van der Berg; Theo Arentze; Harry Timmermans: Social interaction in the neighbourhood: a multilevel analysis Chandra R. Bhat; Subodh Dubey: A New Spatial Multiple Discrete–Continuous Modeling Approach to Land Use Change Analysis Theo Arentze: Individuals’ Social Preferences in Joint-Activity Choice: The Role of Fairness and Asymmetric Evaluation of Costs and Rewards Erel Avineri: Incorporating Social Aspects in a Prospect Theory Model of Travel Choice Tim Ryley; Alberto Zanni: Integrating discrete choice modeling with social interactions to examine how travelers react to uncertainty caused by extreme weather conditions Javier Guillot: Social norms and traffic behavior: Citizenship Culture as public policy in Bogotá, Colombia Masashi Okushima: Analysis of eco-mobility shift considering with heterogeneity and social interaction James Woodcock; Rachel Aldred: Changing commutes? Exploring the uptake of cycling to work trough an agent-based model focusing on social interactions and social norms Johan Joubert: A social dimension to urban freight Tilmann Rave; Frank Goetzke: Automobile ownership, happiness and peer effects