Achtung: Bitte beachten Sie, dass das nachstehende LV-Angebot nur jene Lehrveranstaltungen abbildet, die im aktuellen Studienjahr vom Vize-Rektorat Lehre genehmigt wurden und vom jeweiligen Department/Institut angeboten werden.

Compulsory modules

Elective modules

Specialisation 1: Climate dynamics and climate impacts

Specialisation 2: Social ecology of climate change

Specialisation 3: Climate crisis and transformative development

Elective modules – General elective modules

Elective modules – General elective modules

Food systems transformation in the context of global change

Climate change and global aspects in planning and spatial development

Sustainable cities, urban metabolism, and climate change

Projects in climate science and transformation

Actor-centred perspectives and pathways towards transformation

One module selected from specialisations not chosen

Specialisation 1: Climate dynamics and climate impacts

Specialisation 2: Social ecology of climate change

Specialisation 3: Climate crisis and transformative development