Dr. Lena Luise Schaller
Dr. Lena Luise Schaller
Senior Researcher at the Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Economics
Senior Scientist at the Centre of Agricultural Sciences
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
Feistmantelstr. 4
A-1180 Vienna, Austria
email: lena.schaller(at)boku.ac.at
Born in Munich.
Study of agricultural sciences with a focus on agronomy, plant breeding and plant protection at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
From 2007 - 2010, PhD student at the the Chair of Agricultural Production and Resource Economics at TUM.
Doctoral thesis on farm-level socio-economic effects of climate friendly peatland management in Germany.
Currently working at the Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Economics of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Focus on European research projects dealing with the provision of ecosystem services and public goods from agriculture and the related agri-environmental governance mechanisms.
A man who keeps company with glaciers comes to feel tolerably insignificiant by and by. The Alps and the glaciers together are able to take every bit of conceit out of a man and reduce his self-importance to zero if he will only remain within the influence of their sublime presence long enough to give it a fair and reasonable chance to do its work. — Mark Twain In A Tramp Abroad (1880), 466
Agricultural economics; Analysis of socio-economic and environmental effects of agricultural management;
Analysis of cause-effect chains linking agricultural land use, ecosystem service and socio-economic development of farms and rural regions; Analysis of provision of environmental and social public goods by agriculture;
Development of governance mechanism; Participatory approaches; Scenario analysis and modelling (farm models, cost-effectiveness analyses, spatial analyses, social network analysis, analytical network process, choice modelling, fuzzy cognitive mapping)
2020-2025 | SHOWCASE: 'SHOWCASing synergies between agriculture, biodiversity and Ecosystem services to help farmers capitalising on native biodiversity' [EU H2020] |
2019-2022 | CONSOLE: 'Contract Solutions for effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry' [EU H2020] |
2018-2022 | LIFT: 'Low-Input Farming and Territories - Integrating knowledge for improving ecosystem-service based farming' [EU H2020] |
2015–2018 | PROVIDE: ‘PROVIding smart DElivery of public goods by EU agriculture and forestry’ [EU H2020] |
2012–2015 | CLAIM: ‘Supporting the role of the Common agricultural policy in Landscape valorisation: Improving the knowledge base of the contribution of landscape Management to the rural economy’ [EU FP7] |
2012–2015 | FARM-CLIM: ‘Farming for a better climate by improving nitrogen use efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions’ [Austrian Climate Research Program] |
2010–2012 | CC-Land Prognosis: ‘Integrated Landscape Prognosis under the Influence of Climate change’ [Austrian Climate Research Program] |
2010–2012 | Monetäre CO2-Bilanzierung von ausgewählten Naturschutzgebieten [Bundesamt für Naturschutz] |
2010–2012 | Fachbeitrag Land- und Forstwirtschaft im Naturschutzgroßprojekt „Allgäuer Moorallianz“ |
2007–2010 | ‚Klimaschutz-Moornutzungsstrategien‘, Teilprojekt Ökonomie [Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Deutschland] |
Selected publications
Peer reviewed journal articles
Targetti, S., Schaller, L. Kantelhardt J. (2019). A fuzzy cognitive mapping approach for the assessment of public-goods governance in agricultural landscapes, LAND USE POLICY. 2019, Available online 18 October 2019. DOI doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.04.033
Niedermayr, A; Schaller, L; Mariel, P; Kieninger, P; Kantelhardt, J (2018): Heterogeneous preferences for public goods provided by agriculture in a region of intensive agricultural production: the case of the Marchfeld. SUSTAINABILITY. 10(6), 2061;
Schaller, L., Targetti, S; Villanueva, AJ; Zasada, I; Kantelhardt, J; Arriaza, M; Bal, T; Bossi Fedrigotti, V; Giray H; Häfner, K; Majewski, E; Malak-Rawlikowska, A; Nikolov, D; Paoli, JC; Piorr, A; Rodríguez-Entrena, M; Ungaro, F; Verburg, PH; van Zanten, B; Viaggi, D (2018). Agricultural landscape, ecosystem services and regional competitiveness – Assessing drivers and mechanisms in 9 European case study areas. LANDUSE POLICY. 76: 735-745.
Wustemann, H; Bonn, A; Albert, C; Bertram, C; Biber-Freudenberger, L; Dehnhardt, A; Doring, R; Elsasser, P; Hartje, V; Mehl, D; Kantelhardt, J; Rehdanz, K; Schaller, L; Scholz, M; Thran, D; Witing, F; Hansjurgens, B. (2017). Synergies and trade-offs between nature conservation and climate policy: Insights from the "Natural Capital Germany - TEEB DE" study. ECOSYST SERV. 24: 187-199.
Zasada, I; Hafner, K; Schaller, L; van Zanten, BT; Lefebvre, M; Malak-Rawlikowska, A; Nikolov, D; Rodriguez-Entrena, M; Manrique, R; Ungaro, F; Zavalloni, M; Delattre, L; Piorr, A; Kantelhardt, J; Verburg, PH; Viaggi, D. (2017). A conceptual model to integrate the regional context in landscape policy, management and contribution to rural development: Literature review and European case study evidence. GEOFORUM 82: 1-12
Villanueva, AJ; Targetti, S; Schaller, L; Arriaza, M; Kantelhardt, J; Rodriguez-Entrena, M; Bossi-Fedrigotti, V; Viaggi, D. (2015). Assessing the role of economic actors in the production of private and public goods in three EU agricultural landscapes. J ENVIRON PLANN MAN. 58(12): 2113-213.
Amon, B; Winiwarter, W; Anderl, M; Baumgarten, A; Dersch, G; Guggenberger, T; Hasenauer, H; Kantelhardt, J; Kasper, M; Kitzler, B; Moser, T; Potzelsberger, E; Prosenbauer, M; Schaller, L; Schrock, A; Sigmund, E; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Zethner, G. (2014). Farming for a Better Climate (FarmClim) Design of an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research Project Aiming to Address the "Science-Policy Gap". GAIA 23(2): 118-124.
van Zanten, BT; Verburg, PH; Espinosa, M; Gomez-y-Paloma, S; Galimberti, G; Kantelhardt, J; Kapfer, M; Lefebvre, M; Manrique, R; Piorr, A; Raggi, M; Schaller, L; Targetti, S; Zasada, I; Viaggi, D. (2014). European agricultural landscapes, common agricultural policy and ecosystem services: a review. AGRON SUSTAIN DEV. 34(2): 309-325
Drösler, M., Schaller, L., Kantelhardt, J., Schweiger, M., Fuchs, D., Tiemeyer, B., Augustin, J., Wehrhan, M., Förster, C., Bergmann, L., Kapfer, A., Krüger, G.-M. (2012): Beitrag von Moorschutz- und -revitalisierungsmaßnahmen zum Klimaschutz am Beispiel von Naturschutzgroßprojekten. Natur und Landschaft 87(2): 70-76.
Schaller, L; Kantelhardt, J; Drosler, M (2011) Cultivating the climate: socio-economic prospects and consequences of climate-friendly peat land management in Germany. HYDROBIOLOGIA 674(1): 91-104.
Peer reviewed chapters in collected volumes
Hansjürgens, B; Schröter-Schlaack, C; Berghöfer, A; Bonn, A; Denhardt, A; Kantelhardt, J; Liebersbach, H; Matzdorf, B; Osterburg, B; Ring, I; Röder, N; Scholz, M; Thrän, D; Schaller, L; Witing, F; Wüstemann, H (2017): Ökosystembasierte Klimapolitik für Deutschland. In: Andreas Marx (Hrsg.), Klimaanpassung in Forschung und Politik ; Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden, Deutschland; ISBN 978-3-658-05577-6
Berghöfer, A; Couwenberg, J; Drösler, M; Jensen, R; Kantelhardt, J; Luthardt, V; Permien, T; Röder, N; Schaller, L; Schweppe-Kraft, B; Tanneberger, F; Trepel, M; Wichmann, S (2015): Kapitel 5: Klimaschutz durch Wiedervernässung von Kohlenstoffreichen Böden. In: Volkmar Hartje, Henry Wüstemann und Aletta Bonn (Hrsg.), Naturkapital und Klimapolitik - Synergien und Konflikte, 124-147; Merkur Druck- und Kopierzentrum GmbH & Co. KG, Leipzig, Leipzig, Deutschland; ISBN 978-3-944280-15-8
Kantelhardt, J; Liebersbach, H; Matzdorf, B; Reutter, M; Röder, N; Schaller, L (2015): Kapitel 4: Landwirtschaft: Emissionen reduzieren, Gründlandumbruch vermeiden und Bioenergie umweltfreundlich nutzen. In: Volkmar Hartje, Henry Wüstemann und Aletta Bonn (Hrsg.), Naturkapital und Klimapolitik - Synergien und Konflikte, 100-123; Merkur Druck- und Kopierzentrum GmbH & Co. KG, Leipzig, Leipzig, Deutschland; ISBN 978-3-944280-15-8
Bonn, A.; Berghöfer, A.; Couwenberg, J.; Drösler, M.; Jensen, R.; Kantelhardt, J.; Luthardt, V.; Permien, T.; Röder, N.; Schaller, L.; Schweppe-Kraft, B.; Tanneberger, F.; Trepel, M.; Wichmann, S. (2014): 4.2 Moore und kohlenstoffreiche Böden: Wiedervernässung als Klimaschutzinvestition. In: Wüstemann, H.; Hartje, V.; Bonn, A.; Hansjürgens, B.; Bertram, C.; Denhardt, A.; Döring, R.; Doyle, U.; Elsasser, P.; Mehl, D.; Osterburg, B.; Rehdanz, K.; Ring, I.; Scholz, M.; Vohland, K., Naturkapital und Klimapolitik - Synergien und Konflikte, 38-43; NATURKAPITAL Deutschland - TEEB DE, Leipzig, Deutschland; ISBN 978-3-944280-10-3
Osterburg, B.; Kantelhardt, J.; Liebersbach, H.; Matzdorf, B.; Reutter, M.; Röder, N.; Schaller, L. (2014): 4.1 Landwirtschaft: Emissionen reduzieren, Grünlandumbruch vermeiden und Bioenergie umweltfreundlich nutzen. In: Wüstemann, H.; Hartje, V.; Bonn, A.; Hansjürgens, B.; Bertram, C.; Dehnhardt, A.; Döring, R.; Doyle, U.; Elsasser, P.; Mehl, D.; Osterburg, B.; Rehdanz, K.; Ring, I.; Scholz, M.; Vohland, K., Naturkapital und Klimapolitik - Synergien und Konflikte, 30-37; NATURKAPITAL Deutschland - TEEB DE, Leipzig, Deutschland; ISBN 978-3-944280-10-3
Doctoral thesis
Schaller, Lena Luise (2015): Landwirtschaftliche Nutzung von Moorflächen in Deutschland - Sozioökonomische Aspekte einer klimaschonenden Bewirtschaftung, Dissertation an der Fakultät Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan , 325; Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan für Ernährung, Landnutzung und Umwelt, Technische Universität München ; LAN Landbauwissenschaft
Non peer reviewed contributions
Amon, B; Winiwarter, W; Schröck, A; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Kasper, M; Sigmund, E; Schaller, L; Moser, T; Baumgarten, A; Dersch, G; Zethner, G; Anderl, M; Kitzler, B; (2014): Farming for a better climate by improving nitrogen use efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (FarmClim). [Poster]
[European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, AUSTRIA, APR 27 - MAY 5, 2014]. In: European Geosciences Union (Hrsg.), EGU General Assembly Abstract Book
Ehmeier, V; Schaller, L; Kantelhardt, J (2014): The role of stakeholder networks in landscape valorisation. [24. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, Vienna, AUSTRIA, SEPT 25-26, 2014], In: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, Tagungsband der 24. ÖGA-Jahrestagung "Lebensmittelversorgung, Lebensmittelsicherheit und Enährungssouveränität", S. 53-54
Schaller, L. Kantelhardt, J., Bossi Fedrigotti, V., Targetti, S., Viaggi, D., Ariaza, M., Bal, T., Giray, H., Häfner, K., Örmeci Kart, C., Majewski, E., Malak-Rawlikowska, A., Nikolov, D., Paoli J_C., Piorr, A., Ungaro, F., Verburg, P., Villanueva, A.J., van Zanten, B., Zasada, I., (2014). The contribution of agricultural landscapes to local development and regional competitiveness – an Analytical Network Process (ANP) in selected European Union and Candidate countries’ study regions, Proceedings of the 88th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, 18 pages
Lenglet, J; Franzel, M; Kirchweger, S; Kapfer, M; Schaller, L; Kantelhardt, J (2014): The influence of landscape on farms’ economic efficiency – combining matching and DEA approaches in Styria, Austria. 88th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, AgroParisTech, Paris, France, APRIL 9-11, 2014] In: Agricultural Economics Society, Contributed Papers of the 88th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, 14 pg
Reindl, A; Schaller, L; Kapfer, M; Kantelhardt, J (2014): Measuring the influence of landscape on competitiveness of rural areas. [24. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, Vienna, AUSTRIA, SEPT 25-26, 2014], In: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, Tagungsband der 24. ÖGA-Jahrestagung "Lebensmittelversorgung, Lebensmittelsicherheit und Ernährungssouveränität" , S. 87-88
Schaller, L; Ehmeier, V; Kapfer, M; Kantelhardt, J; (2014): Agricultural landscape as a driver of regional competitiveness - The role of stakeholder networks in landscape valorisation. [3rd AIEAA - Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied EconomicsConference , Alghero, Italy, JUNE 25-27, 2014] In: AIEAA , Papers prepared for presentation at the 3rd AIEAA Conference “Feeding the Planet and Greening Agriculture: Challenges and opportunities for the bio-economy”, 14 pages
Schaller, L; Kantelhardt, J; Bossi Fedrigotti, V; Targetti, S; Viaggi Manuel Ariaza, D; Bal, T; Handan Giray, F; Häfner, K; Örmeci Kart, C; Majewski, E; Malak-Rawlikowska, A; Nikolov, D; Paoli, J.-C; Piorr, A; Ungaro, F; Verburg, P; Villanueva, A.J; van Zanten, B; Zasada, I (2014): Applying an Analytical Network Process (ANP) to measure the contribution of agricultural landscapes to local development in selected European Union and Candidate countries’ study regions. [24. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, Vienna, AUSTRIA, SEPT 25-26, 2014] In: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, Tagungsband der 24. ÖGA-Jahrestagung "Lebensmittelversorgung, Lebensmittelsicherheit und Ernährungssouveräntität", S. 55-56
Schaller, L; Kantelhardt, J; Fedrigotti, V. B; Targetti, S; Viaggi, D; Ariaza, M; Bal, T; Giray, F. H; Häfner, K; Kart, Çağla Ö; Majewski, E; Malak-Rawlikowska, A; Nikolov, D; Paoli, J-C; Piorr, A; Ungaro, F; Verburg, P; Villanueva, A.J. van Zanten, B; Zasada, I (2014): The contribution of agricultural landscapes to local development and regional competitiveness – an Analytical Network Process (ANP) in selected European Union and Candidate countries’ study regions. [88th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society , AgroParisTech, Paris, FRANCE, APRIL 9-11, 2014], In: Agricultural Economics Society, Contributed Papers of the 88th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, 18 pages
Targetti, S; Schaller, L; Villanueva, A; Arriaza, M; Bal, T; Bossi Fedrigotti, V; Giray, H; Häfner, K; Kantelhardt, J; Kapfer, M; Majewski, E; Malak-Rawlikowska, A; Nikolov, D; Örmeci, C; Paoli, J. C.; Piorr, A; Raggi, M; Rodríguez-Entrena, M; Ungaro, F; Verburg, P; van Zanten, B; Zasada, I; Viaggi, D (2014): An analytic network process approach for the evaluation of second order effects of agricultural landscape management on local economies. [EAAE 2014 Congress ‘Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies’, Ljubljana, Slovenia, AUG 26-29, 2014], In: EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists), Prepared papers for the EAAE 2014, 14 pages
Scientific community
Member of the European Association of Agricultural Economist
Member of the International Farm Management Association
Member of the International Association of Agricultural Economists
Member of the Italian Association for Agricultural and Applied Economics
Member of the Agricultural Economics Society
Peer review activities:
Reviewer for Landuse Policy (LuP) (Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing)
Reviewer for Ecological Indicators (EcolInd)
Reviewer for Biodiversity and Conservation
Reviewer for Ecosystem Services
Reviewer for Mires and Peat
Reviewer for Die Bodenkultur
Reviewer for Biobased and Applied Economics
Reviewer for Current Opinion in Food Sciences