Deliverables BOKU-StartDepartment für Wirtschafts- und SozialwissenschaftenInstitut für Wald-, Umwelt- und RessourcenpolitikForschungsprojekteGo-AdaptDeliverables Diese Seite ist erreichbar unter: Deliverables As our research proceeds, we continuously provide the deliverables and results of Go-Adapt on this site. a) Stock taking survey in 10 OECD countries Analytical FrameworkSurvey report - The governance of climate change adaptation in ten OECD countries: Challenges and approachesPresentation of the results of the stock-taking surveyb) Policy case studies on the governance of adaptationAnalytical Framework (updated)Bauer Steurer Partnerships Amsterdam March 2012Bauer Steurer Multi-level governance of climate change adaptation through regional partnerships in Canada and EnglandBauer Steurer Innovation in climate adaptation policy: are regional partnerships catalysts or talking shops?Bauer Steurer National adaptation strategies, what else? Comparing adaptation mainstreaming in German and dutch water managementc) Lesson drawing from Sustainable StrategiesNordbeck Steurer Integrated multi-sectoral strategies as dead ends of policy coordination: Lessons to be learned from sustainable development d) Synthesis and policy guidanceGo-Adapt project findings_Dec 12Summary of the Go-Adapt project_June 13Synthesis of the Go-Adapt project_June 13Go-Adapt final Report_June 13