Institute seminar summer 2024

The institute seminar series of the Institute of Sustainable Economic Development at BOKU aims to foster the exchange of knowledge within and beyond the institute. Institute members and external speakers will present their work during these regular events, allowing time for in-depth discussions and reflection.

The seminar will be presented in two different formats: format A will provide an opportunity for the presentation of research focusing on specific guiding subjects anew each semester. Format B is intended to foster exchange within the institute on a more strategic level, focusing on organizational issues and reflections on teaching.

The seminars take place on Tuesdays at 12:00-13:00 and will be held in presence in Room EG-04 at Guttenberghaus. Online participation via Zoom is possible, the respective links are sent out one week before by e-mail.

A new feature of the seminar is its lunchtime format. In keeping with Einstein’s maxim, attendees are encouraged to bring a meal or a snack: “To obtain an assured favorable response from people, it is better to offer them something for their stomachs instead of their brains.”

Updated schedules are published here:






Tuesday, 12.03.2024

Institute internal topics

- B GUTH-EG/04

Tuesday, 19.03.2024

Econometric insights: What can we learn from (regionally) aggregated data?

Ulrich Morawetz


Tueday, 09.04.2024

Reports from initiatives and open calls

- B GUTH-EG/04


Scenarios 1

Valentin Fiala & Johannes Schmidt A GUTH-EG/04

Tuesday, 23.04.2024

Economics and policy of landscape scale management for reconciling biodiversity, ecosystem services and food production Robert Huber   GUTH-EG/04 

Tuesday, 30.04.2024

The price of sustainability

Philipp Steinbrunner 



Support Sustainable Regional Economic Development through Fostering Formation of Medium Sized Towns/Cities Mariam Jibuti A GUTH-EG/04 

Tuesday,  14.05.2024

Joint Cooking

  B Kitchen GUTH-DG

Tuesday, 28.05.2024

Scenario development at INWE - Part 2

Alexandra Frangenheim, Katrin Karner B GUTH-EG/04

Tuesday, 04.06.2024

CowLearning Serious Games (in German)

Cornelia Fischer


 Tuesday, 11.06.2024

The effect of land fragmentation on risk and technical efficiency of crop farms

Andreas Eder


Tuesday, 18.06.2024

Games in teaching

Katrin Karner, Marianne Penker, Johannes Schmidt B GUTH-EG/04