After your stay

At the host university:

  • The coordinator of the host university has to sign the Letter of Confirmation (online). Visit the coordinator at the end of your stay.
  • You have to collect your transcript of records at the host university or you have to give them your address so that they can send it to you.
  • It is recommended to ask for a confirmation of stay prior to your departure from the host university in order to have proof for your stay abroad (for example for later application processes or the like).It should include the letterhead of the host university, the date of your stay (from-to), reason of stay (exchange semester, research,...) and signature and stamp of the host university.


At the National CEEPUS Office the following documents have to be submitted:
You can find it on after the log in.

  • Mobility Report
  • Letter of Confirmation (LoC)

Check in the system whether all necessary documents have been uploaded and whether the stay there is completed.

You have to submit these documents within two months after your return. If you do not submit these documents within this deadline you may have to pay the grant back.

BOKU-International Relations:

  • A copy of a transcript
  • A copy of a list of equivalent courses
  • We need reports to advice our students and to collect information. We appreciate it if you send us a voluntary report to ceepus(at)