How to apply

15. June For the following academic year (summer- and/or wintersemester) – network places
31. October Leftovers for the following summer semester- network places
30. November For the following summer semester - FreeMover
For latecomers: Extensions of deadlines and free places for individual countries will be published on the website in the lower right corner of the category "News".
We seek to promote equal opportunities and access, inclusion and fairness across all our actions. We explicitly encourage students with special needs or from underrepresented groups to apply. Please find more information on facilities for students with special needs and visit the website of the Coordination office for Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Disability.
Will especially encourage students whose parents have a different home country to spend a semester of study or internship in their parents' home country to deepen their knowledge of that country's language.
Application flow:
1. Catch up on CEEPUS at BOKU-International Relations (BOKU-IR). In addition contact your academic network coordinator at BOKU list of coordinators
2. You have to make a list for equivalent courses* for the crediting. The list has to be signed by the acadamic coordinator of the Ceepus Network here at BOKU. For the list of BOKU Ceepus Coordinators see Information. Then it must be confirmed in the Study services office (Studienservices- send it via e-mail to : anerkennungen[at] A translation guide for the list of equivalence can be found here.
* Students of international BOKU master programs, which require a mandatory semester abroad (e.g. NARMEE, SIFC, DAFM, Horticultural Sciences etc.) need an Individual Course Plan (ICP) approved by the program coordination instead of the equivalence list. This must be approved prior to the start of the mobility. Neither the equivalence list nor the ICP need to be uploaded at when applying.
The list must be signed before the application deadline by the lecturer of the BOKU course, the coordinator AND the dean of studies. Incompletely uploaded equivalence lists will not be accepted!
3. Register here: After your registration you get a Login including a password.
4. Login: You have to login. Then „Create Network Mobility“- „student“- choose the network and fill the application form. All data has to be correct and completed. Choose only one email address! Specify the semester of your academic career.
5. The essential criterion is the motivation!
6. When you have filled the form correctly you have to submit the application: press „submit“!
7. When you submitted the application the academic coordinator can see it online. He has to confirm your application online.
8. When the academic coordinator nominated you, the National CEEPUS office forwards the application to the host country.
9. When the National CEEPUS office of the host country accepts you you will be informed by e-mail. You will get the message „awarded“. Follow the instructions.
10. You have to login and press "Accepted by Applicant".
11. You have to fill the application for a remission of tuition fees in the Registration office (Studienservices) if you are not delivered from tuition fees.
12. For „Studienbehilfenbezieher/ innen:“ You have to apply for an aid for foreign studies at the „Studienbeihilfe“ agency.
13. You have to organise the formalities for the registration at the host university by yourself when you are awarded for a CEEPUS scholarship.
Important information: The award for a CEEPUS scholarship could be late (sometimes two months before the semester starts). The applicants can contact the administrative CEEPUS coordinator of BOKU for further information.
Please inform us at ceepus[at] if you need to cancel your CEEPUS stay.