Master's Thesis, Dissertation and Project Work
For regular students
If you are attending a full degree programme at BOKU, you have to follow the guidelines of
your programme.
Bachelor students have to register for their Bachelor's thesis through BOKUonline. Master and PhD students have to search for a topic and supervisor with a venia docendi or an equivalent qualification on their own. You find more information on the
Website -> Final Degree and under following link:
- For regular students at BOKU: Master's thesis
- Please also check BOKU's thesis platform (only available with BOKUonline login).
Would you like to attend a full PhD programme at BOKU?
Please click here for more information about the studies offered and admission.
For exchange students ONLY
graduation hat and diploma
If you wish to work on your thesis, dissertation or project while at BOKU, you should do some research and get in touch with your future BOKU tutor/supervisor beforehand.
In our research database FIS you can search for current research projects by key words.
Furthermore, the homepages of the institutes might help you to find a (co-)supervisor for your thesis or dissertation. Have a look at the List of Departments (the symbols on the left side of this website also lead you to the different department pages).
We do NOT recommend sending mass e-mails to multiple professors. Instead, please contact the department coordinator in charge.
Lists of Department coordinators/Project coordinators
List of ERASMUS departmental coordinators
List of Ceepus programme coordinators
List of Joint Study coordinators
Contact your coordinator at BOKU to find a supervisor. Please write an e-mail to your coordinator with the name of the programme you have completed, your home country and study programme, and explain that you would like assistance to find a supervisor (If you have already found someone on our website you would like to work with, please also add her/his name). You have to find a supervisor before applying!
For the Erasmus application, you have to include the following documents in your e-mail:
- Your CV
- A project/thesis/dissertation description
Please include an informal confirmation that your BOKU supervisor is willing to supervise you (e.g a copy of an e-mail) to your application. Only with this document we can accept your application. Please also add the thesis /project work to your Learning Agreement (course number: 000, ECTS number according to your BOKU supervisor or your home university).
Attention! Your master thesis, dissertation or project (without BOKU course number) will not be shown on the BOKU transcript of records. Please ask your supervisor for an evaluation letter (on official letter paper with signature and stamp).
In case you are already registered at BOKU and have a BOKUonline login, please also check our thesis database.