Against the background of increasing waste volumes, especially in the area of waste electrical equipment (WEE), paired with a lack of collection, recycling and waste treatment infrastructure and know-how, the Erasmus + project “LaWEEEda” aims to improve and strengthen e-waste education at universities in Brazil and Nicaragua. The project consortium, consisting of three European universities (Vienna, Northampton, Hamburg), four Latin American universities (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Léon) and four companies, tried to improve the dialogue between science and practice in the field of e-waste during the project period 10/2016 - 10/2019. The innovative character is the establishment of two regional training centres at the universities to serve as an intersection. This is to ensure that university training is carried out in a needs-oriented manner and that teachers are trained and networked internationally. Further goals are to improve the training of future graduates, to support business start-ups, but also to ensure the development of tailor-made training products in the field of continuing vocational training and lifelong learning. As part of the establishment of the training centres, pilot facilities will also be built that reflect the state of the art in the field of dismantling and de-pollution of WEE and serve as showcase and training facilities.

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