In cooperation with the Ministerium für ein lebenswertes Österreich a womensnetwork has been set up to strengthen, promote and visualize women’s cooperation in the DRR (disaster risk reduction)in the long term.

One of the key factors for success is good cooperation and networking between the actors.

The Department of Lifelong Learning was actively involved in the development phase.

As the "University of Life", the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna offers comprehensive scientific competence in the field of sustainable, future-oriented use and safeguarding of the natural basis of life, whereby the professional spectrum - unique in Austria - encompasses all relevant disciplines of natural sciences, engineering as well as economics and social sciences, thus offering extensive opportunities for interdisciplinary approaches to the field of DRR.

At BOKU all scientific questions relating to the three thematic areas (see below) are competently solved in synergetic cooperation between several disciplines. 

  • Management of natural resources and the environment
  • Preservation of habitat and quality of life
  • Securing nutrition and health