FUWA completed

Future of Waste (FUWA)

Since 2011 ABF-BOKU cooperated with Energetická agentura Vysočiny, with microregion Telčsko and the Austrian Institute of Ecology related to the three-year lasting Czech-Austrian project. The study was funded by the programme OP Europäische territoriale Kooperation Österreich - Tschechische Republik 2007 - 2013. Aim of the project was the optimisation of the bio waste treatment system within the region. One topic included also the measurement of the food waste from households discarded into the residual waste. A waste sorting analysis was conducted by ABF-BOKU and based on the results a food waste prevention guideline was developed. The guideline targets the Czech households in the region and the development was valuable supported by the experiences from Austria which base on several projects conducted in the recent years.