REFRESH is an EU funded Horizon 2020 project taking action against food waste. 26 partners from 12 European countries and China work towards the project‘s goal to contribute towards reducing food waste across Europe by 30% by 2025, and to formulate reproducible approaches to reduce and better valorise food waste. REFRESH („Resource Effi cient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain“) runs from July 2015 until June 2019. Aims of REFRESH are:
- Develop strategic agreements to reduce food waste with governments, business and local stakeholders in four pilot countries (Spain, Germany, Hungary and the Netherlands).
- Formulate EU policy recommendations and support national implementation of food waste policy frameworks.
- Design and develop technological innovations to improve valorisation of food waste, e.g. from food processing.
Homepage: Contact: Dipl. Ing. (FH) Silvia Scherhaufer