Summer und Winter Schools, die von anderen Universitäten (tw. in Kooperation mit der BOKU) angeboten werden

Die BOKU hat leider keine eigenen Datenbank, auf der man Summer Schools finden kann! Aber wir versuchen Ihnen, die von unseren Partnerunivesitäten gesendeten Angebote auf dieser Seite zur Verfügung zu stellen.

BOKU does not offer any database on which you can find summer schools. But we try to keep you informed by putting all of the information we get from our partner universities on this page.

Winter School SustANGE / “Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Access to Natural Resources in a Changing World” / 27 January 2024 – 7 February 2024 organised by UniTrento and University of Rotterdam | Application deadline: 31 October 2024

The upcoming Winter School on “Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Access to Natural Resources in a Changing World” – SustANGE, organized jointly with the UniTrento Faculty of Law and the Erasmus School of Law at the University of Rotterdam, will take place in a blended mobility format:

  • on campus in Trento from 27 January to 7 February 2025
  • compulsory online follow-up workshop on 17 February 2025

Target group: senior Bachelor (from 3rd year) and Master students

The international appeal lies in the Winter School's global relevance, the interconnected nature of sustainable development, climate change and resource access, the cross-sectoral impact of these challenges, as well as the need for multidimensional, interdisciplinary and collaborative solutions, including law, policy, economics with philosophical approaches and perspectives.

Application deadline: 31 October 2024

Further information on the winter school


Global Entrepreneurship Camp 2025 / Sustainable and Resilient Communities: Innovating for a Healthier Planet and People /8-18 January 2025 Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand

The theme for this camp, "Sustainable and Resilient Communities: Innovating for a Healthier Planet and People" aligns closely with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3, 11, 13, and 15. The goal is to inspire innovative solutions that tackle urgent global challenges including climate change, public health, and urban sustainability.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Students from various academic fields will collaborate to devise comprehensive solutions.
Hands-on Experience: Participants will take part in hackathons and field visits, gaining practical skills and insights.
Mentorship and Networking: There will be opportunities to connect with industry experts, entrepreneurs, and researchers.
Pitch Competitions: Students will have the chance to present their innovative ideas and compete for exciting prizes.

By joining the Global Entrepreneurship Camp 2025, your students will be able to:

  • Enhance their entrepreneurial skills and mindset
  • Collaborate with peers from around the globe
  • Experience real-world challenges and opportunities
  • Play a role in creating a more sustainable and equitable future

For more information please contact:
Global Partnership Officer Student Entrepreneurship Development Academy (SEDA)
Email: global.entrepreneurship.sut(at)

Center for International Affairs
Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
111 University Avenue, Suranaree Sub-District,
Muang District, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000 Thailand
E-Mail contact: cia(at)

See invitation

International Summer School / From Grape2Wine / 17-19 September 2024 in Slovenia/Italy

BOKU students are invited to an International summer school in the field of viticulture and winemaking, where they will learn about the impacts of climate change on grapevine (physiology, biochemistry), viticulture and winemaking, especially on the quantity and quality of grapes and wine.

Further information

Sommerkollegs / 2-4 Wochen / in Kroatien, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Tschechien & Ungarn

Sommerkollegs sind bilaterale Sprachkurse, in deren Rahmen prüfungs- und forschungsaktive Studierende (mind. 8 ECTS im letzten Semester) österreichischer Universitäten und Fachhochschulen Unterricht in der Sprache des Gastlandes und parallel dazu Studierende des Gastlandes Deutschunterricht erhalten. Der Schwerpunkt der Sprachförderung liegt auf Sprachen der sogenannten CEE-Länder (Central and Eastern European - Länder). Bewerben können sich Studierende aller österreichischen Universitäten und Fachhochschulen.

Weitere Infos zu den Sommerkollegs

Antwerp Summer & Winter University / Open for applications now! / Target groups: students, researchers and/or professionals

Antwerp Summer and Winter University offers intensive, short-term academic programmes during the summer and winter months within the areas of excellence of the University of Antwerp and its partners.

Summer and winter school topics cover almost all disciplines offered at the University of Antwerp, ranging from health sciences over design sciences to social sciences. Target groups are different for each programme and include students, researchers and/or professionals. All short-term programmes consist of high-quality education (lectures, visits, workshops) and fun & interesting social programmes. Participants can acquire ECTS credits upon successful completion of the programmes. All certificates of completion are issued as a micro-credential.

Further information 

Summer Schools of the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) / in Poland, Germany, Israel, Denmark, Austria and Czech Republic

Spend a different summer - study ELLSwhere!
It is time to travel again: Join a Summer School of the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS)!
Earn academic credits in breathtaking natural environments. Combine theoretical input with practical field work. Get to know other students in your field from all over the world! Enjoy social activities in an open, diverse and new environment.

In 2023 the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) again offers several summer schools:

BOKU supports BOKU participants of summer schools with a travel grant.

Call and application form