Target Group

All BOKU instructors


By the end of the course, participants can

  • analyse requirements of sustainable learning and teaching
  • apply basic principles and methods of university didactics and academic instruction
  • formulate learning outcomes
  • state quality features of university didactics and academic instruction
  • develop an awareness of the importance of teacher professionalization
  • critically evaluate and reflect their important role as instructors for sustainable learning processes in students


  • Basic principles of learning and teaching
  • Basic concepts, processes and methods of university didactics and academic instruction
  • Formulation of learning outcomes
  • Quality features of university didactics and academic instruction
  • Awareness raising as reflective professionals
  • Individual professional support and professional exchange


We  work in various interactive settings using a variety of teaching methods ranging from individual reflection to pair work, smaller and larger group activities, discussions and short theoretical input sessions.

Dates and Location:

Dates: two day course

  • 10. February 2022
  • 17. February 2022

Location: everyone in front of their computer
Group size: min. 4 - max. 8 participants 


Registration only via  BOKU online (Login erforderlich) --> BOKUonline Visite -->  Dienste --> BOKU-Trainingspass/Schulungen

The participation is free of charge!

Please note the terms and conditions.

Trainer/ Instructor:

Mag.a Mag.a Elisabeth Weber

Mag.a Mag.a Elisabeth Weber is a certified didactics expert and professional instructor.
She received university degrees for Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, Teaching English, and English and American Studies. She also holds a Doctorate degree in English Linguistics.
She has intensively worked as instructor at secondary and tertiary level for twenty years. At BOKU, she presently teaches English language courses for students and works as teacher trainer / educator providing didactics courses for university instructors.

She is responsible for the didactic concept and implementation of BOKU's ESP course "Introduction to Academic Agricultural English" for which she was honored with the first prize of BOKU's Teaching Award by an international jury in 2014. She is especially interested in teacher professionalization, the implementation of e-learning, and strengthening the connections between English as a Lingua Franca research, teaching practice and theory.