Google Developer Experts Program arrived to BOKU!

The Google Developer Experts program ( is a global network of highly experienced technology experts, influencers, and thought leaders who have expertise in Google technologies, are active leaders in the space, natural mentors, and contribute to the wider developer and startup ecosystem.


Emma Izquierdo-Verdiguier is one of thousand Experts represent Google technologies, and one of the 26 awarded in Earth Engine category around the world. She is teaching the Earth Engine technology in “Advanced methods for remote sensing: machine learning and cloud computing” course in BOKU.
Emma is postdoc assistant in our institute since September of 2018. Her career has been developing machine learning algorithms to remote sensing data analysis. After she finished her university degree, she devoted four years to research within the field of photo-interpreting and GIS data. In addition, she developed a spectral-spatial feature extraction methodology to detect and classify growing tree plantations automatically in her MSc. thesis. Her PhD research was devoted to nonlinear feature extraction techniques for remote sensing data analysis. And after her Ph.D., she gained expertise with Google Earth Engine and cloud computing, and has also leveraged cloud computing techniques to develop the processing chain for the classification of high spatial resolution images.

