Selected publications on resilience (esp. adaptive capacity) in farming
Lamine, C., D. Magda, I. Darnhofer (2024). How relevant is the notion of resilience for agri-food systems? (in French). Natures, Sciences, Sociétés 32(1): 90-97.
Darnhofer, I. (2022). Researching the management of family farms: promote planning or bolster bricolage? In: M. Larcher and E. Schmid (Eds.). Alpine Landgesellschaften zwischen Urbanisierung und Globalisierung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 229-242.
Darnhofer, I. (2021). Farming resilience: from maintaining states towards shaping transformative change processes. Sustainability 13(6): 3387.
Darnhofer, I. (2021). Resilience or how do we enable agricultural systems to ride the waves of unexpected change. Agricultural Systems 187: 102997.
Darnhofer, I. (2020). Farm resilience in the face of the unexpected: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. Topical collection 'Agriculture, Food & COVID-19'. Agriculture and Human Values 37(3): 605-606.
Darnhofer, I. (2020). Farming from a process-relational perspective: Making openings for change visible. Sociologia Ruralis 60(2): 505-528.
Darnhofer, I. (2019). Zukunftsfähigkeit sichern: hilft ein Perspektivenwechsel von einengenden Strukturen zu ermöglichenden Prozessen? Plenarvortrag bei der Tagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie (SGA-SSE), 4. April 2019 in Wädenswil.
Bouttes, M., I. Darnhofer, and G. Martin (2019). Converting to organic farming as a way to enhance adaptive capacity. Organic Agriculture 9(2): 235-247.
Darnhofer, I., C. Lamine, A. Strauss, and M. Navarette (2016). The resilience of family farms: Towards a relational approach. Journal of Rural Studies 44: 111-122.
Schermer, M., I. Darnhofer, K. Daugstad, M. Gabillet, S. Lavorel, M. Steinbacher (2016). Institutional impacts on the resilience of mountain grasslands: an analysis based on three European case studies. Land Use Policy 52: 382-391.
Darnhofer, I. (2015). Socio-technical transitions in farming: key concepts. In: L.-A. Sutherland, I. Darnhofer, G. Wilson and L. Zagata (Eds.). Transition pathways towards sustainability in agriculture. Case studies from Europe. Wallingford: CABI, pp. 17-31.
Darnhofer, I., L.-A. Sutherland, T. Pinto-Correia (2015). Conceptual insights derived from case studies on 'emerging transitions' in farming. In: L.-A. Sutherland, I. Darnhofer, G. Wilson and L. Zagata (Eds.). Transition pathways towards sustainability in agriculture. Case studies from Europe. Wallingford: CABI, pp. 189-203.
Darnhofer, I. (2014). Resilience and why it matters for farm management. Preprint of a manuscript submitted to the European Journal of Agricultural Economics 41(3): 461-484.
Aregu, L., I. Darnhofer and M. Wurzinger (2014). Climate-resilient pasture management in the Ethiopian highlands. In: T. Kohler, A. Wehrli and M. Jurek (Eds.). Mountains and climate change: A global concern. Bern: Centre for Development and Environment, pp. 85-87.
Darnhofer, I. (2014). Conceptual Framework. FarmPath - Farming transitions: Pathways towards regional sustainability of agriculture in Europe (2-page fact sheet). FP7 Project (project website).
Darnhofer, I., I. de los Rios, K. Knickel, M. Koopmans, C. Lamine, G. Olsson, K. de Roest, E. Rogge, S. Sumane and T. Tisenkopfs (2014). Analytical Framework. RETHINK - Rethinking the links between farm modernisation, rural development and resilience in a world of increasing demands and finite resources. FP7/RURAGRI Project (project website).
Darnhofer, I., C. Lamine and K. Knickel (2013). Conceptual Framework. RETHINK - Rethinking the links between farm modernisation, rural development and resilience in a world of increasing demands and finite resources. FP7/RURAGRI Project (project website).
Diaz, M., I. Darnhofer, C. Darrot and J.E. Beuret (2013). Green tides in Brittany: What can we learn about niche-regime interactions? Environmental Innovations and Societal Transitions 8: 62-75.
Darnhofer, I. (2013). Resilience: a contribution to more 'dynamic' farm economics? Presentation. Resilienz und der Umgang mit dynamischen Rahmenbedingungen. Die Sicht der Betriebe. Präsentation.
Darnhofer, I., D. Gibbon and B. Dedieu (2012). Farming Systems Research: an approach to inquiry.
Milestad, R., B. Dedieu, I. Darnhofer and S. Bellon (2012). Farms and farmers facing change: The adaptive approach. In: I. Darnhofer, D. Gibbon and B. Dedieu (eds.). Farming Systems Research into the 21st century: The new dynamic. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 365-385.
Schiere, J.B., I. Darnhofer and M. Duru (2012). Dynamics in farming systems: Of changes and choices. In: I. Darnhofer, D. Gibbon and B. Dedieu (eds.). Farming Systems Research into the 21st century: The new dynamic. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 337-363.
Darnhofer, I., J. Fairweather and H. Moller (2010). Assessing a farm's sustainability: Insights from resilience thinking. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 8(3): 186-198.
Darnhofer, I., S. Bellon, B. Dedieu and R. Milestad (2010). Adaptiveness to enhance the sustainability of farming systems. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 30(3): 545-555.
Darnhofer, I. (2010). Strategies of family farms to strengthen their resilience. Environmental Policy and Governance 20(4): 212-222.
Darnhofer, I. (2009). Strategies of family farms to strengthen their resilience. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, held in June 2009 in Ljubljana (Slovenia).
Dedieu, B., I. Darnhofer, S. Bellon, K. de Greef, F. Casabianca, L. Madureira, R. Milestad, M. Paine, P. Steyaert, D.J. Stobelaar and S. Zasser-Bedoya (2009). Innovations in farming systems approaches: An introduction. Outlook on Agriculture 38(2): 108-110.
Darnhofer, I., S. Bellon, B. Dedieu and R. Milestad (2008). Adaptive farming systems - A position paper . In: B. Dedieu and S. Sasser-Bedoya (eds.) Empowerment of the rural actors: A renewal of the farming systems perspective. Proceedings of the 8th European IFSA Symposium held July 2008 in Clermont Ferrand, pp. 339-351.
Darnhofer, I. (2006). Can family farmers be understood as adaptive managers? In: H. Langeweld and N. Röling (eds). Changing European farming systems for a better future. New visions for rural areas. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 232-236.
Milestad, R. and I. Darnhofer (2003). Building farm resilience: The prospects and challenges of organic farming. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 22(3): 81-97.