Institute fo Forest, Environmental and Natural Resource Policy, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)
Dr. Reinhard Steurer (coordinator) Phone: ++43/1 47654 4430, Fax: ++43/1 47654 4417 Personal website E-Mail: reinhard.steurer(at)
Dr. Juan Casado-Asensio Phone: ++43/1 47654 4401, Fax: ++43/1 47654 4417 E-Mail: juan.casado(at)
Dr. Christoph Clar Phone: ++43/1 47654 4407, Fax: ++43/1 47654 4417 E-Mail: christoph.clar(at)
Environmental Policy Research Centre (Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik, FFU) at the Freie Universität Berlin The FFU will provide valuable input to the development of the analytical framework, and offers the opportunity to use its network to disseminate the projects' findings. Since the FFU is part of several European and international networks, a high degree of international visibility for the Austrian-led research can be assured.
Dr. Klaus Jacob Phone: ++49/30 838 54492, Fax: ++49/30 838 56685 Personal Website E-mail: jacob(at)
Hannah Kannen Phone: ++49/30 838 54493, Fax: ++49/30 838 56685 Personal Website E-mail: h.kannen(at)