Cellulose solvents - Syntheses, chemistry and side reactions
Synthesis and general chemistry of cellulose solvents; with a focus on: N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO), N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)-reagent combinations, cellulose carbanilates, ionic liquids
Side reactions and degradation of cellulose solvents and of cellulose in solution
Synthesis of isotopically labeled cellulose solvents and their use in structural studies and NMR spectroscopy
Physicochemical properties of cellulose solvent systems
Structure of the amine N-oxide solvents and cellulose solutions therein
Analytics of cellulose solvents
Detection and chemistry of reactive intermediates in cellulose solvents and cellulose solutions
Key publications:
Rosenau, T.; Potthast, A.; Hofinger, A.; Kosma, P. Holzforschung 2001, 55(6), 661-666. Hydrolytic processes and condensation reactions in the cellulose solvent system N,N-dimethylacetamide / lithium chloride.
Rosenau, T.; Potthast, A.; Buchner, R.; Röder, T.; Ebner, G.; Bruglachner, H.; Sixta, H.; Kosma, P. Cellulose 2002, 9, 41-53. The cellulose solvent system N,N-dimethyl-acetamide / lithium chloride revisited: the effect of water on physicochemical properties and chemical stability.
Rosenau, T.; Hofinger, A.; Potthast, A.; Kosma, P. Polymer 2003, 44(20), 6153-6158. On the conformation of the cellulose solvent N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO) in solution.
Rosenau, T.; Potthast, A.; Kosma, P. Tetrahedron 2004, 60, 301-306. Studies on carbenium-iminium ions derived from N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO).
Adorjan, I.; Sjöberg, J.; Rosenau, T.; Sixta, H.; Kosma, P. Carbohydr. Res.2004, 339(11), 1899-1906. Kinetic and chemical studies on the isomerization of monosaccharides in N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO) under Lyocell conditions.
Rosenau, T.; Potthast, A.; Möslinger, R.; Kosma, P. J. Wood Chem. Technol.2006, 26(1), 1-11. Confirmation of the presence of hydroxyl radicals during pre-ripening of alkali cellulose.
Henniges, U.; Kloser, E.; Patel, A.; Potthast, A.; Kosma, P.; Fischer, M.; Fischer, K.; Rosenau, T. Cellulose 2007, 14, 497-511. Studies on cellulose integrity in DMSO-containing carbanilation mixtures.
Adelwöhrer, C.; Yoneda, Y.; Nakatsubo, F.; Rosenau, T. J. Labeled Comp. Radiopharm. 2008, 51, 28-32. Synthesis of the perdeuterated cellulose solvents N-methylmorpholine N-oxide (NMMO-d11) and N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc-d9).