Fundamental chemistry of conservational treatments
Monitoring of hydrolytic and oxidative cellulose degradation
Assessment and monitoring of the damage state of cellulosic objects (historical papers and textiles, books, manuscripts, codices, garments, tapestry)
Chemistry of paper mass deacidification
Gall ink and copper ink corrosion
Key publications:
Henniges, U., Schröter, K. PapierRestaurierung 2005, 6, 25-32. Copper-corroded wallpapers– in situ -treatment with non-aqueous magnesium compounds? Kupferfraßgeschädigte Tapeten- in situ Behandlung mit nicht-wässrigen Magnesiumverbindungen?
Henniges, U., Banik, G., Potthast, A. Macromol. Symp. 2006, 232, 129-136. Comparision of aqueous and non-aqueous treatments of cellulose to reduce copper-catalyzed oxidation processes.
Henniges, U., Prohaska, T., Banik, G., Potthast, A. Cellulose2006, 13, 421-428. A fluorescence labeling approach to assess the deterioration state of aged papers.
Henniges U., Bürger U., Banik G., Rosenau T., Potthast A. Macromol. Symp. 2007, 244, 194-203. Copper corrosion: Comparison between naturally aged papers and artificially aged model papers.
Henniges, U., Banik, G., Reibke, R., Potthast A. Macromol. Symp 2008, 262, 150-161. Studies into the Early Degradation Stages of Cellulose by Different Iron Gall Ink Components.
Potthast, A., Henniges, U., Banik, G. Ink-induced corrosion of cellulose: aging, degradation and stabilization. Part 1: model paper studies. Cellulose 2008, DOI 10.1007/s10570-008-9237-1
Henniges, U., Reibke, R., Banik, G., Huhsmann, E., Hähner, U., Prohaska, T., Potthast, A. Ink-induced corrosion of cellulose: aging, degradation and stabilization. Part 2: application on historic sample material. Cellulose 2008, DOI 10.1007/s10570-008-9238-0
Potthast, A., Henniges, U., Banik, G. Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2008, 56, 635-639. Warum Papier löcherig wird.
Henniges, U., Potthast, A. Phytate treatment of metallo-gallate inks: Investigation of its effectiveness on models and historic samples, Restaurator2008, accepted for publication