Department of Agrobiotechnology

Biofunctionalisation and processing of polyester-based materials using novel enzymes 

Project assigned to: Chiara Siracusa 
Supervisor: Georg Gübitz

Biotechnical functionalization and recycling of multicomponent materials 

Project assigned to: Sophia Mihalyi 
Supervisor: Georg Gübitz

Chemo-enzymatic strategies for polymer synthesis and biodegradation

Project assigned to: Cicely Warne 
Supervisor: Georg Gübitz

Investigation of enzyme mechanisms for total hydrolysis of cellulosic materials for recycling purposes

Project assigned to: Martin Nagl
Supervisor: Georg Gübitz

Mechanistic and methodological advancement for the biocatalytic upgrading of cellulosic biomaterials

Project assigned to: Maximilian Huemer
Supervisor: Georg Gübitz

Department of Biotechnology

Developing a 3D cell culture model to investigate how Gestational Diabetes Mellitus affects fetal Mesenchymal Stem Cells 

Project assigned to: Linda Johnsen 
Supervisor: Cornelia Kasper

Development of Cellulose based hydrogel scaffolds for 3D in vitro cultivation of human MSCs 

Project assigned to: Ilias Nikolits 
Supervisor: Cornelia Kasper

Development of physiological potency assays for Cell Based Therapies (CBT)

Project assigned to: Sabrina Nebel
Supervisor: Cornelia Kasper

Development of physiologic 3 D cultivation approaches for primary human mesenchymal stem cells 

Project assigned to: Julia Moldaschl 
Supervisor: Cornelia Kasper 

Project assigned to: Oscar Garcia
Supervisor: Cornelia Kasper

Department of Food Science and Technology

Electrochemical Methods for the Detection of Enzymes at Interfaces

Project assigned to: Hucheng Chang
Supervisor: Roland Ludwig

Direct electrochemistry of enzymes via cytochrome domains

Project assigned to: Lan Zhang
Supervisor: Roland Ludwig

Department of Material Sciences and Process Engineering

Characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins 

Project assigned to: Giovanni Polato 
Supervisor: Chris Oostenbrink 

Characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins by means of advanced computational approaches 

Project assigned to: Johannes Stöckelmaier 
Supervisor: Chris Oostenbrink 

Modeling of viral-like particles: From simplified buffers to realistic environments

Project assigned to: Nadine Grundschober
Supervisor: Drazen Petrov

Multiscale changes in bone due to bio-resorbable implants: towards a prediction of structure and mechanical performance

Project assigned to: Thomas Bretschneider
Supervisor: Helga Lichtenegger

Next level free-energy calculations

Project assigned to: Radek Crha
Supervisor: Chris Oostenbrink 

Spider silk for nerve regeneration

Project assigned to: Leon Ploszczanski
Supervisor: Helga Lichtenegger

Ultrastructure and properties of spider silk for nerve regeneration 

Project assigned to: Karolina Peter 
Supervisor: Helga Lichtenegger

Understanding heavy metal transport, tolerance, accumulation and adsorption dynamics in mosses

Project assigned to: Matthias Weinberger 
Supervisor: Helga Lichtenegger

Department of Bionanosciences

BREATH (Biofilm REsponsive Adjuvant as an alternative THerapeutic approach) 

Project assigned to: Goodness Osondu-Chuka 
Supervisor: Erik Reimhult 

Characterization of bacteria and biofilms by digital phase-contrast holography 

Project assigned to: Bhavana Sathish 
Supervisor: Erik Reimhult 

Investigation of different innovative filler nanomaterials based on bacterial cellulose and biodegradible polymers

Project assigned to: Mikhail Koreshkov
Supervisor: Ronald Zirbs

Mutanofactin - A molecular adhesive in cariogenic microbial biofilms?

Project assigned to: Konstantin Nikolaus Beitl
Supervisor: Erik Reimhult 

Nanoscale triggered release systems for wound dressings

Project assigned to: Giacomo Chizzola 
Supervisor: Erik Reimhult 

Synthesis of fully biodegradable core-shell nanoparticles for use in large volume food packaging

Project assigned to: Kuba Bomba
Supervisor: Erik Reimhult