The Erasmus+ grant only covers the higher living costs in the host country, and the grant rates vary by country. Erasmus+ grant consist of a basic grant from EU funds and a monthly national grant plus additional travel grants for green travel and non-green travel. Additional top-ups for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses, as well as for students with children. For details, please click on the link below.
- Top-ups for fewer opportunities (only one top-up for fewer opportunities possible, also if more categories apply):
- Study abroad with child(ren): monthly top-up of € 250
- Stays abroad for people with disabilities/chronic diseases: monthly grant of € 250 and real costs subsidy (also real cost subsidy is possible see here).
Erasmus+ students who are not among the lower opportunity participants identified in Austria, but can still demonstrate a real need for additional financial support on a real cost basis may also apply for inclusion support. These individuals can not receive the top-up for fewer opportunities. The application for this must be submitted to the OeAD and is processed via BOKU-IR.
- Travel allowance for all types of mobility:
Amount varies depending on the distance and means of transportation (valid in the academic year 2024/25)
Template: Declaration of honor for green travel
You will receive 70% of the grant prior to departure, and 30% after submitting all your papers and online reports upon your return.
Furthermore, due to budget reasons, there is a maximum funding period of 3 months for regular traineeships. The allocation per academic year is linked to budget availability. Longer stays are possible as partial zero-grant mobility (= Erasmus status & tuition fee waiver remain valid) and with other funding. Extensions are not possible at the moment.
Additional grants
For additional grants, please see:
- Some federal states (Bundesländer) provide grants, further details can be found on the website of the Landesregierung.
- Cultural institutes and embassies also sometimes give scholarships to students.
- IMPORTANT: An Erasmus grant must not be combined with another study abroad grant directly financed by the BMBWF or another federal unit; also, it must not be combined with other EU grants (e.g. Joint Master degree grant).
*The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.