The learning platform is updated regularly. The next maintenance date is scheduled for 6 March 2025, 19:00 to 21:00.

Online ressources and training

You can get practical tips and tricks in our online courses, which can be viewed at any time:

Online trainings on BOKUlearn take place on an ongoing basis as part of staff development (the current dates can be found in the training program). 

Further instructions and illustrative examples are available in the Demonstration Course as well as in the Tutorials Course.

Additional information is also available on the website: see Moodle 4.0 and Moodle 4.1.

New Login

At the same time as the update, the "single sign-on" authentication method was also introduced in 2023.

To log in, students and employees now click on the login button "BOKU SSO".

Navigation and basic functions in Moodle 4.1.

Course Index: Use the index to navigate the course. Toggle on and off with the “X”.

Access: “Dashboard”, “My Courses” and “Help”.

Course menu: Layout settings, enrolled participants, gradebook access, course reports.

User menu: Profile, preferences, student mode.

“More”: additional course options like access to “question bank”, “content bank” or “course reuse”.

Edit mode: Toggle on and off with the button.

Blocks drawer: Toggle on and off with the “X”.

Context-sensitive menu: Find precise instructions in "Help and Documentation".

The new BOKUlearn 4.1 user interface

Further innovations

New colour coding system:

The icons of "activities" and "resources" have been given a new design. Their function is now indicated by colour: green stands for communication, red for collaboration, blue for course content and pink for assessment.

Database activity:

  • A optimized start page now makes it easier to create new databases.
  • Three new database templates are available.


The renewed gradebook now lists all assessable activities in the course (1). Using the filter function you can display specific activity types (e.g. all assignments created in the course) (2).

Question bank:

Now change the titles of questions directly in the overview, save questions as "draft" or "ready to use" and track their creation history. Another improvement is the new comment function, which allows you to discuss the questions with colleagues. You can also benefit from the enhanced statistics, which show even more clearly how well each question is working.

Activity completion:

In the course index, students can now see at a glance which of the course elements they have already completed (green circle=completed, empty circle=uncompleted, red cross=failed).

Notification of new course content:

Inform your course participants about changes in the course by activating the option "Send content change notification" when creating or changing course elements. (You can decide individually for each change whether you want to inform your course participants or not).