
Holzmann::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

magnitude of groundwater recharge and formed the base for a decision support tool to optimize the multi

Osadcha::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

presented. The simulation accuracy was assessed based on Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient, which resulted in

Library card::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

Resources and Life Sciences equipped with the PC-based lending system. If the library card is lost, please

Girsch::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

consideration of the implementation of scientific based directives for a coexistence management. A field

Heinzlmaier::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

are presented in this study. These findings are based on samples of routine soil analysis of the Austrian

Research::Institute of Production and Logistics::Department of Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo)::BOKU

pollution, noise emissions and traffic congestion). Based on this motivation, the KONZIB project analyses

Buhiniček::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

were mostly clustered according to expectations based on pedigree data. Key words: maize, SSR markers

Food Biotechnology::Institute of Food Technology::Department of Food Science and Technology (DLWT)::BOKU

establishing food-grade microbial expression systems based on lactic acid bacteria. Overall, this research

Food Technology::Institute of Food Technology::Department of Food Science and Technology (DLWT)::BOKU

focus area deals with research related to plant based products whereas a process driven approach includes

Master theses::Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management (IHG)::Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment (WAU)::BOKU

Kenya inferred from microsatellite genotyping based on next genereation sequencing Abstract , Full text [...] Mangleswori Dhonju , 2013, Nepal: Biodiversity based on micro- and mesohabitat distribution of macro [...] Namaalwa Susan , 2008, Uganda: Influence of wetland-based agriculture on nutrient status and buffer capacity

Course list::Study services::BOKU

891327 VO Wood-industrial processes: Wood- and fibre-based materials Thematic block Technology fiber- and wood

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