e-mail: raphael.klumpp(at)boku.ac.at
phone: +43 / 1 / 47654 - 91323
Institute of Silviculture (Institut für Waldbau)
Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
A-1190 Wien, Peter Jordanstr. 82
room: 02/133 (Schwackhöferhaus, 2nd floor)
main research areas
- Forest Genetics and Seed Science
- Nursery stock
- restoration and development of threatend species
- analysis of genetic features in tree and shrub species
(e.g. geographic variation, intra/interspecific differentiation, mating systems)
for further information visit our BOKU - Research Information System (FIS):
- courses (BOKUonline)