e-mail: christoph.pucher(at)boku.ac.at
phone: +43 / 1 / 47654 - 91313
Institute of Silviculture (Institut für Waldbau)
Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
A-1190 Wien, Peter Jordanstr. 82
room: 02/136 (Schwackhöferhaus, 2nd floor)
Christoph Pucher
... is employed as a research assistant at the institute of Silviculture since April 2018. His research focus is the role of forests in the carbon cycle and under which circumstances forests are carbon sinks, thereby mitigating global warming.
His doctoral thesis focusses on the relationship between carbon fluxes and carbon stocks in forests. Relying on his programming and data processing skills he is able to integrate large datasets and remote sensing data analysis, allowing large scale analysis. As part of the project Tech4Effect (Knowledge and Technologies for Effective Wood Procurement) he mapped the application of timber harvesting systems in Europe by utilizing different datasets.
He studied Earth Science with focus in Geology in Graz and finished his master degree course in spring 2018. His master thesis was concerned with the evolution of the Nile valley during the “Messinian crisis” using a landscape evolution model.